Politicians, leaders of OFSTED, chiefs of police - they all come up with some brilliant radical ideas which would really resonate with the public...........................as soon as they are no longer in a position to do anything to implement those ideas.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient

But to play the unpopular side here, what possible use can it be vilifying companies who take on large number of non-British workers? What I mean is, it is a known fact that in certain parts of the country, low paying long hours jobs are filled by eastern Europeans. Firstly, like it or not, these eastern Europeans have a right to come work here - it's a European law set in stone, we might disagree but we can't do anything about it.
Secondly, apparently these companies have trouble getting workshy locals to fill the jobs. So again, what use is it penalising these companies?
Well yes, I would say they should damn well pay a living wage then they might get people wanting to work for them, but anyway..