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Thread: Just unexpectedly met my Filipina girlfriends family

  1. #1
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Just unexpectedly met my Filipina girlfriends family

    As usual we had our late night (for me) early morning (for her) skype video chat.

    I thought it was strange that she was a couple of hours later tonight, but seeing she was in Manila after flying home from Singapore where she had been working the last week, I put it down to her having a lie in

    She was having a few days in Manila with her family before taking a 10 hour coach trip to her hometown!

    However she skyped me from the coach as it was waiting to depart, seemed she managed to get a coach a few days earlier than planned.

    So all of a sudden I was on skype with her Brother, mother and her Little niece lol. I had always planned to meet them one day, hopefully in person, but didn't expect it like that I hadn't even shaved for two days lol

    Unfortunately after about 15 minutes the coach departed and we lost connection, but not before we exchanged our love for one another and I wished her and her family a safe journey.

    She did say she would skype me when she gets home if she gets a good connection at home, but shes not sure she will get a good connection.

    This is all strange to me as I have never met anyone online before and the furthest I have lived from a girlfriend is a 10 minute walk away! I keep expecting to wake up and find out it's all been a dream. But so far I am enjoying life and am very happy.

    Unfortunately money and work are keeping us apart, but one day I hope to meet her, either with her coming here, or me going there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Shock to the system Slip but I guess not to be worried about

  3. #3
    Respected Member WhiteBloodAda's Avatar
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    The only way I got to know Ruby's Dad was through Skype. When Ruby moved back to the Phils, her Dad couldn't get the time off to come home, so for the three weeks I was out there I just had to make do with the rest of the family.

    Go back in November, and just over a week before the wedding I finally get to meet him. Skype was fine, but actually meeting him in person was pretty terrifying! Luckily I made a good impression

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