Thanks to everyone for making the trip to Scarborough As Stevewool says, many more pics on facebook .
Considering how bad the weather was elsewhere, we were relatively lucky.
I've had many appreciative messages from those who came and also those who couldn't manage this time. Even though as your " host " I had to " remind " members a few times beforehand, and grew a little impatient, I hope you understood and forgive me !
I have to say I enjoyed every minute of the weekend The " Highlander " proved a great place for meeting and chatting. As a result, the food and drink I had available in my nearby apartment was not needed - but it won't go to waste ! The landlord and landlady were so pleased to have us all that I got a free breakfast on Sunday morning with the five of you who had booked accommodation there Check your bills to make sure you didn't pay for me .
I thought they looked after us well at " Ask " and at a reasonable price, with a great harbour view.
Those who arrived Friday evening met up at a good central hotel and bar. I deliberately didn't try to organise the entire weekend and it's amazed me just how much of Scarborough you all managed to see .
Of course it's not possible for every member of an online forum such as this to actually meet for real. But all those of us who have met got on very well and I'm grateful for your friendship .