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Thread: Protest and meeting in Parliament against new rules - Please support

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Protest and meeting in Parliament against new rules - Please support


    I am not sure if this is already mentioned on here but there is a protest against the new immigration rules and a meeting in Parliament in which anyone can goto so long as they register. If anyone can go or if anyone can send an email to their MP or have any friends in the UK who can do this, it would be very helpful. Also to ask your MP or someone in his office to attend the meeting to object to these changes.

    When: 9 Jul 2012 - 18:30 - 20:00
    Where: Committee Room 1, House of Lords, Parliament, London

    Here is the link to register

    Here is the email I wrote to my MP.

    I am writing to you to ask you to attend or have someone attend a meeting on

    When: 9 Jul 2012 - 18:30 - 20:00
    Where: Committee Room 1, House of Lords, Parliament, London

    to oppose and explain the reasons why in relation to these changes to immigration.

    This is the link to register to attend.

    Neither I nor any other British citizen can let the government tell me and my family who I should and should not fall in love, marry and have children with, unless I fit a certain class of citizens. Other EU countries are not required to meet any income requirements and can move to the UK WITH their families. For instance also a Greek person living in the UK can bring his or her spouse here without any restrictions but a UK Citizen can not (unless they make a certain amount of money).

    Labour suggests the sponsor to place a bond down, however poor people and many disabled people will simply not have money for a bond. The UK Government has been recommended in a report by the Migration Advisory Committee (who are a right wing Tory think tank) that UK sponsors (i.e UK citizens married to a non EU partner) wanting to bring their married partners or Fiances to the UK will have to be earning a minimum salary of £18,600 when their spouse/Fiance applies for a residency visa. Under current immigration rules the applicant already has to prove they will not be a burden on the state and ALSO is unable anyhow to receive public funds due to their immigration restrictions from the point they arrive in the UK anyhow. The current rules are already more than sufficient.

    These proposals would mean that UK citizens who claim benefit or have a disability will be effectively blocked from bringing their loved ones to live with them in their country of right. I personally have a fiancee from outside of the EU and I am disabled and would been blocked from being with the woman who I love in my own country. The new rules do allow for someone who receives DLA to be exempt from the financial requirement however not everyone who is disabled receives DLA and DLA is sometimes only given for a short period of time and a sponsor would need to be in receipt of DLA for each stage of the application ie the application, FLR and ILR and if the sponsor is not then the sponsors wife would be deported, possibly after 5 years of living and staring a family in the UK if the sponsor was unable to be earning the minimum requirement and most people will not be able to reach such a level, especially if they were previously disabled.

    This would persecute the thousands of genuine law abiding UK citizens who have partners from outside the UK, many UK citizens will be victimized for having done nothing wrong other than fall in love with a person from a non EU country. I believe that this would violate the right to family life, is a form of social cleansing and also discriminates against the disabled or those who have a limited earning capacity or those unable to work.

    I would appreciate it if there is anything you could do to oppose any of these proposed changes or anything else you can do.

    Yours sincerely,

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Arthur

  4. #4
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Not sure there is a point my writing to my mp to consider attending. She seems to think replying to e-mails, letters, phone calls etc is something that only other people do

  5. #5
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    Well done.

    Good work, and thanks on behalf of others in a similar position to yourself.

    I will attempt to contact my MP.

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    What was the response from your mp? yellowcloud.

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Sorry I didn't get any notification of your replys???

    My MP didnt bother to reply, only a letter from his secretary saying he will pass it onto him!! Although my friends MP actually wrote back to him.

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