
I thought this was worth asking. I got my P11 this week, and noticed that my employer pays part of my salary as "benefits in kind"

If anyone isn't familiar with what this is, it's where an employer instead of paying their staff straight wages, they may give them a subsidised loan, or a company car etc.
Most companies (of course) then just don't pay as much It's called a benefit in kind - and is treated for tax reasons as income, rightly so as this would otherwise open up a tax loophole you could drive a spaceship through, never mind a tank (Oh we won't pay you any wages, but we'll pay your mortgage, give you Sainsburys vouchers, give you a car.......you can just imagine).

Well I can't find it anywhere, but could this not be classed as income and added to salary to make this 18K?

My suspicion is it can't - maybe it would be too complicated for the poor people at UKBA to understand, and it certainly would be too complex for a politician!

Just a thought - because it's income saved and in all fairness, it should be classed as salary - but no-one ever said life was fair.