Hi Bigtilly and welcome to the forum,

I got married in Cebu last month and i exchanged my UK CNI for a Philippine version at the Consulate at Cebu. I emailed the consulate 2 weeks before i was going to fly out and asked for a date. The first email i received back was this one even though i gave dates i would like to exchange.

Mr McBurney

Thank you for your enquiry.
Please visit the website below, and the attachment above, for requirements for marriage in the Philippines.
You will need your current original British passport with one photocopy each of the following pages: inside cover; details page; page showing latest visa arrival stamp; emergencies page.
Both you and the person you are marrying need CENOMARs from the National Statistics Office. These must not be over 3 months old at the time of applying for a CNI. You each need an original, together with the receipts, plus a good photocopy of each CENOMAR.
1. Make sure to bring all the required documents based on the CNI checklist on the website: http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk...ply-for-a-cni/.
We need all original documents with one good photocopy of each one.
2. You will need to submit your documents as well as your fiancé/fiancée’s requirements as on the checklist.Your application may not be accepted if you submit incomplete documents, this may also cause delay to your application. We will assess the application and check supporting documents only after receipt of payment.
3. Please pay the exact fee/s for your application (in Philippine pesos only):
Fees No. 12 and 13 to apply for notice of marriage and certificate of no impediment
Fee No. 13 to apply for local certificate of no impediment (CNI) in exchange for one issued by a UK registrar.
You may find the current Consular fees list on the website http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk...ply-for-a-cni/ .
Fees are non-refundable.
5. The CNI should be collected in person by the applicant(s) or their authorised representative, it should not be sent by post or courier to any address.
If you are exchanging the UK CNI for the locally accepted one this is available within an hour of your visit to this consulate, providing all the documentation is correct. Please note that it takes 10 days to apply for the local licence once you have presented the locally accepted certificate of no impediment to the registrar.
When you have the correct complete documents you may apply for an appointment. Office hours are weekday mornings only.
Moya Jackson | Honorary British Consul | British Consulate-Cebu | Villa Terrace, Greenhills Road, Casuntingan, Mandaue City, Cebu 6014 | Tel/ Fax: 0063 32 238 9055 | Email: Moya.Jackson-HonCon@fconet.fco.gov.uk | Website: www.ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk HELP FOR BRITISH NATIONALS To know more about what assistance the Consular staff can provide to British nationals in the Philippines, please visit our website http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/ or click http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk...ish-nationals/
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

I replied back 2 days later when my then fiancee had received my Cenomor in the post. I got the exact day and time i wanted but be very careful if you have a tight schedule, the consulate and his wife are the same as any other couple, they go on holiday and sometimes will not be there. If i had arrived the week after and asked for a date i would have been out of luck as they would not be there.
Also make sure you have ALL your documents and your fiancee's documents and photo copies as you will not get the Philippine CNI if you have anything missing.
My wife forgot her ID and we turned back when we were nearly there

The Consulate at Cebu is a little out of the way and we drove passed it twice and only make it in time for the appointment so leave plenty of time to find it.
The cost for the exchange was not bad if i recall, maybe 4 or 5k