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Thread: Philippine Divorce Bill

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Philippine Divorce Bill

    Encouraging news for some.....

    "In addition to the freedom of information (FOI) and reproductive health (RH) bills, the House of Representatives will also prioritize the divorce bill when sessions resume on July 23.

    "I mentioned the divorce bill because that is a very important social bill at this time but we will give it our best shot," Feliciano Belmonte Jr. told reporters Wednesday night.

    "I myself am in favor of it, especially that I'm already widowed. Well, anyway, yes I think we have to put those on the agenda," he added.

    In July of 2010, Gabriela party-list Representatives Luzviminda Ilagan and Emmi de Jesus filed a House bill introducing divorce in the Philippines. It is pending in the House committee on revision of laws.

    Ilagan said earlier that while the divorce bill may not be acceptable to the Catholic Church, it is a much needed measure for many women as well as men trapped in violent, abusive and irreparable marriages.

    At least two House leaders, however, expressed opposition against the divorce bill at this early stage.

    Deputy Speaker Jesus Crispin Remulla, for one, said "we should just make annulment easier and less expensive first before divorce is passed."

    Cavite Representative Joseph Emilio Abaya, for his part, said that he will not support the measure because of faith and upbringing.

    "I'm sure when the Speaker says priority, he most likely means priority in debates not necessary passage," he added.

    Meanwhile, Belmonte vowed that both the RH and FOI bills will reach voting for third reading approval in the third regular session.

    Earlier, House committee on public information chairman Ben Evardone said that the FOI bill will be in the front burner after the State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Aquino III. (Kathrina Alvarez/Sunnex

  2. #2
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    So, will the Philippines continue to be run by a bunch of 'celibate' kiddy fiddlers, that is the question.

  3. #3
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    I wonder If the Divorce Bill is a stalking horse for the RH Bill?

    It is bound to bring down the wrath of the Bishops, and it just might distract enough attention to let the RH Bill go through, possibly as part of a "deal"?

    To answer your question Graham, you know the Philippines at least as well as I do, and your question is surely rhetorical - yes, the celibate kiddy fiddlers will be in charge for a very long time to come. Ask yourself how many of your middle class, educated, Filipino friends find themselves paying attention to what the Church thinks and going to Mass on Sundays - most of them still do! The CBCP see themselves (and I strongly suspect that they are encouraged by the Vatican to contiinue to see themselves) as the last bastion of the True Faith against the hordes of "modernisers" who have taken over in Europe and Latin America.

    Now that Malta has fallen to the infidels the last two places where there is no divorce law are the Philippines ... and the Vatican City!

  4. #4
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    Yes, rhetorical of course.

    Catholicism is still so deeply embedded in the Filipino psyche and way of life....possibly more-so than in any other country in the world ?

    Let them get on with it, but I certainly didn't permit my boy to be baptised or in any other way interfered with by religious brain washers.

    He did participate in RE at school though, because I believe that it IS important to have a good knowledge of the beliefs of others as a part of one's general education.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    I wonder If the Divorce Bill is a stalking horse for the RH Bill?

    It is bound to bring down the wrath of the Bishops, and it just might distract enough attention to let the RH Bill go through, possibly as part of a "deal"?

    To answer your question Graham, you know the Philippines at least as well as I do, and your question is surely rhetorical - yes, the celibate kiddy fiddlers will be in charge for a very long time to come. Ask yourself how many of your middle class, educated, Filipino friends find themselves paying attention to what the Church thinks and going to Mass on Sundays - most of them still do! The CBCP see themselves (and I strongly suspect that they are encouraged by the Vatican to contiinue to see themselves) as the last bastion of the True Faith against the hordes of "modernisers" who have taken over in Europe and Latin America.

    Now that Malta has fallen to the infidels the last two places where there is no divorce law are the Philippines ... and the Vatican City!
    Lets hope so. Cunning plan eh.....

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