I wonder If the Divorce Bill is a stalking horse for the RH Bill?

It is bound to bring down the wrath of the Bishops, and it just might distract enough attention to let the RH Bill go through, possibly as part of a "deal"?

To answer your question Graham, you know the Philippines at least as well as I do, and your question is surely rhetorical - yes, the celibate kiddy fiddlers will be in charge for a very long time to come. Ask yourself how many of your middle class, educated, Filipino friends find themselves paying attention to what the Church thinks and going to Mass on Sundays - most of them still do! The CBCP see themselves (and I strongly suspect that they are encouraged by the Vatican to contiinue to see themselves) as the last bastion of the True Faith against the hordes of "modernisers" who have taken over in Europe and Latin America.

Now that Malta has fallen to the infidels the last two places where there is no divorce law are the Philippines ... and the Vatican City!