Interesting debate....

I currently have the I Phone 4s, prior to that I had Galaxy S2, I Phone 4 and I Phone 3.

While the Galaxy S2 was a good phone, I prefered the usability of the I Phone. For me its easy to use without thinking "how do I"

My wife uses I Phone 4 and she pays her own contract

She is still spoiled at times, as I am but likes to use her own money for things to.....thats why she works too

I guess if your Em gets either the I Phone 4s or Galaxy S3 she will love whatever one get decides to get, as they are both great phones....For me the S3 is too big lol

Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedMe View Post
Made me chuckle when I read that Ems using your phone for games. I'm guilty for that as well... I am also looking for Iphone4 deals. I'm happy with Iphone4, I think it's good enough