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Thread: Airline fraudster refuses to tell immigration staff where he is from

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Airline fraudster refuses to tell immigration staff where he is from

    another reason why everyone coming into the country should have their fingerprints taken unless he came on the back of a lorry, judging by the size of him i doubt that thou

    The UK Border Agency is struggling to deport a foreign conman whose bogus airline collapsed leaving a mountain of debt because he has refused to disclose where he is from.

  2. #2
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    Hopefully one of his creditors will 'deport' him off the end of Whitley Bay Pier.

  3. #3
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    I work in merchant shipping. stowaways are a constant pest - they usually destroy all identification documents that they might have and make up an unknown gibberish language to make it hard to deport them.

    Walking the plank has been tried - by a Russian crew on a bulk carrier a few years back -they got coaught - a more humane method also used was to drop them off on the coast of Somalia, until that got too dangerous due to the pirates..


  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    I work in merchant shipping. stowaways are a constant pest - they usually destroy all identification documents that they might have and make up an unknown gibberish language to make it hard to deport them.

    Walking the plank has been tried - by a Russian crew on a bulk carrier a few years back -they got coaught - a more humane method also used was to drop them off on the coast of Somalia, until that got too dangerous due to the pirates..

    Easy solution. Tie a weight round there neck and throw them overboard.

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