just seen this bbc news item on a thai lady , i know its a filipino forum !!!, but its do to with the life in the uk test, thats relevent to filipino's to, she's married to a british guy, threated with deportation due to lack of British knowledge

here's the link http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/new...m?bw=nb&mp=wm#

but from the gov statement at the end of the clip, it looks to me like shes appiled for ILR with out passing and sending the 'life in the uk' cert or reaching the require esol level. also it mentions that the correct form should be used, before her visa runs out.. again looks like she should have applied for FLR if she hadn't passed the life in the uk test before her current visa expired. people should read the forms and investigate !!! :o)