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Thread: Parliamentary Immigration debate

  1. #1
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    Question Parliamentary Immigration debate

    Today there's a backbench business debate on immigration.

    The motion for debate has been tabled by Labour MP Frank Field, supported by Conservative MP Nicholas Soames, and calls on the government to reduce immigration to a level that would keep the UK's population significantly below 70 million.

    Figures released last week showed that net migration to the UK has fallen but remains at more than double the government's target of fewer than 100,000 a year.

    The Office for National Statistics said that estimated net migration in the year to December 2011 was 216,000 - down from 252,000 the previous year.

    Net migration is the number of people entering the UK, minus those leaving.

    The government has a target to cut net migration to tens of thousands by the end of the Parliament.

    Speaking after the release of the latest figures, Immigration Minister Damian Green said he was "confident" that the target would be met.

    The coalition government has placed an annual limit on the number of immigrants allowed into the UK from outside the European Union.


  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I fear more rules will come into force next year.

  3. #3
    Respected Member WhiteBloodAda's Avatar
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    Next year? I get the impression this will be an early christmas present :(

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I fear more rules will come into force next year.
    They may try and ramp things up a little more...

  5. #5
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    "Parliament is set to debate UK immigration this week (September 6th) after a petition was lodged through the government website.

    The petition, entitled 'No to 70 Million', received 100,000 signatures within a week from individuals calling on the government to take the necessary steps to reduce immigration and stabilise the country's population to ensure that it does not reach 70 million.

    At the moment, the country's population is projected to reach around 78 million by the middle of the century, but the petition is looking to stabilise this at closer to 65 million.

    Two-thirds of this increase is predicted to come from immigration, according to those backing the petition. They continue: "While we recognise the benefits that properly controlled immigration could bring to our economy and society, this population increase … will have a huge impact on our quality of life and on our public services yet the public has never been consulted."

    The matter will now be debated and while it will not result in the passing of any laws in the short term, it could result in the ongoing government support of a stricter approach to immigration and UK visa quotas.

    Government has already committed itself to reducing immigration levels from the current level of around 250,000 a year to the "tens of thousands" by the end of its term in power. This is being achieved through much stricter UK work permit and visa conditions and a reduction in the number of visas allocated in the first place.

    Sir Andrew Green of thinktank Migrationwatch UK created the e-petition, which has so far gained over 143,000 signatures. Two MPs have already posted a joint statement saying that they will support the aims of the petition and lead the debate for the motion.

  6. #6
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    No to 70 Million

    "70 Million a Vital Aiming Mark
    6 September, 2012

    The Migration Observatory has today published a report attacking the concept of a population target of 70 million and questioning whether it can be achieved.

    They accept that immigration accounts for 68% of our population growth and that the latest official projection will take the UK’s population to 70 million in 15 years.

    The government is now on course for net migration of 100,000 a year. The only question, given that the rules cannot be changed for those already here, is precisely when it will be achieved. A further reduction to 50,000 would depend on net EU migration coming back towards balance as it always has in the past. This is perfectly possible in the medium term, given the fall in the birth rate in many EU countries and the likelihood that some of the East European economies will eventually improve.

    Commenting, Sir Andrew Green, Chairman, Migration Watch UK said “Yet again the Migration Observatory seem to be beating the drum for the immigration industry. They cannot get it into their heads that we are a democracy and that there is an overwhelming public demand to reduce immigration. Net migration from 1990-96 averaged 39,000 a year before New Labour opened the floodgates (see graph below). That is roughly the level needed to hold our population below 70 million and it should now become the objective of policy. It is a vital aiming mark”.

  7. #7
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    "May refuses to set formal 70m population cap following debate on reducing net migration
    The Home Secretary ruled out setting a formal target to cap Britain's population at 70million
    If the UK population continues to rise at its current rate it will reach 70million within 15 years
    Theresa May said she was determined to see net migration cut to the 'tens of thousands'

    "Theresa May yesterday ruled out setting a formal target to cap Britain’s population at 70million.
    The Home Secretary spoke out as MPs debated a motion calling for government action to reduce net migration sharply. The motion was passed without a vote.
    The debate was held after more than 140,000 people signed a Downing Street e-petition entitled ‘No to 70million’.
    Official forecasts say that, at current rates, the UK’s population will climb from 62.3million to 70million within 15 years.
    Net migration – the difference between the number of people entering the UK, and those leaving – is currently more than 200,000 a year. Mrs May said she was determined to fulfil the Government’s pledge to cut net migration to the ‘tens of thousands’

    "But she told MPs: ‘I have never been one that believes governments should be setting a figure in that sort of sense.’"

    "During the debate, led by Labour’s Frank Field and Tory backbencher Nicholas Soames, a string of MPs warned of the huge pressure unprecedented levels of immigration were placing on public services.
    Tory Andrew Turner said that, under Labour, ‘the number of migrants allowed into this country was far and away in excess of what we needed for economic growth’."

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