... I'm conscious of the fact that you already asked me this question on
another thread and I haven't got around to answering it until now.

... it
was a nice break - in spite of the changeable weather - e.g., on our arrival (Tuesday 23rd) it was hot and sunny ... and remained so throughout the ensuing 24 hours ... turning cold and very wet during a guided tour of the mountainous Montserrat Region on the Thursday, courtesy of 'Thomson Holidays', our hosts. Sadly, much of the normally spectacular scenery was enshrouded in mist

... preventing some 46 eager participants from making the most of this
otherwise well-organised excursion that entailed breathtaking rides on high gradient, small gauge and funicular railways.
Friday saw a similar busload undertake a 'Barcelona by Day & Night' trip ... commencing with a pre-arranged visit to the world-famous soccer stadium. Impressive ... even if the Barcelona FC shirts, souvenirs and assorted memorabilia on sale
were grossly overpriced

for kuripots such as the likes of yours truly.
Next "on the list" was a guided sightseeing tour of Spain's beautiful second city itself ... followed by free time to explore and (in our case) window-gaze in one of its splendid shopping malls ... rounding off with the evening's highlight to witness the glorious myriad of
colours spouting forth from the renowned Barcelona Fountain against the floodlit backdrop of the King's Palace.
Finally ... our remaining few days were spent traipsing around locally on foot, braving
extra strong,

gusts of wind blowing in off an [I am assured]
unusually turbulent Mediteranean Sea ... our base being the luxurious 4-star
'Golden Port Salou' Hotel with its magnificent, onsite open air family swimming pool, sheltered (for the most part) from the relentless icy blast by a fringe of tall, precariously-swaying palm trees.
Yes ... it was nice to get away but, as always, it
has to be said: "There's no place like home" ... and it's good to be back into my familiar routine.