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Thread: New Life.

  1. #1
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    New Life.

    Perhaps the reason why God take someone away from us is because He has someone better to give. Maybe He wants to give me space to grow, to teach me to be stronger, and to seek for happiness within me and not with somebody else.

    “Oftentimes you give others the opportunity to create your happiness, and many times they fail to create it the way you want it. Why? Because only one person can be in charge of your joy, of your bliss, and that’s you.” -The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

    I am used to having the attention of many people close to me. I am used with chatting and laughing everyday with different group of friends and staying in touch, every minute and every day, with that special person in my life. That simple gesture of communication constitutes my happiness. That way I feel I am someone important, someone loved and cared for. Without it, I feel so alone, and I’ve always believed that I need someone to be happy.
    But it was a wake up call for me when I’ve read that phrase in the book The Secret. I realized everything I’ve assumed concerning my happiness was wrong, and I have to do something to make it right.

    Getting hurt is inevitable, even ‘Christmas day’ and Birthday was not an exemption. I was just not ready yet when he asked me that night to let him go. It’s painful, brutally painful. For months he’s been the definition of my happiness. And at the same time he has been my weakness and the reason for my sleepless nights.

    I cannot move on, I told myself. I’ve been there some times but still, I don’t have enough strength to move on. That moment I thought saying goodbye to him means saying goodbye to my happiness, but I never realized that he just gave me the chance to look for what happiness really means.

    Thank you so much for the love you showered me before, you are a good soul and kind heart. I’m sorry for all my mistakes. I hope you alread forgave me as I already forgiven you as well. I am now prepared to give up and let go, but I will never stop to communicate with you, not at all. You will always be a part of me. I will always be your friend.

    I just realized I should take time off to give to myself. And as I am on my way to discovering my own bliss, from time to time, I will let myself stop for a minute
    God is good all the time because at the time I almost give up beliving in love, but He is just preparing me for his wonderful surprise at the right time.

    Thanks everyone for all the support and new friends I made in here esp during the most devastating days of my life, I am indeed truly grateful for the outpouring advice. Now, I will face a new chapter of my life soon, I wish everyone love and happiness.

  2. #2
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    It was good to read those nice thoughts and words.
    Try not to apologise too much though, would be my advice.

    I wish you the best of luck in finding someone worthy of your love.

  3. #3
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thanks for the support Mr. Graham, you been an inspiration to me.
    As they said time healed all wounds, but still it leaves a scar. During the time
    that I am broken, everytime I miss him I just keep telling to myself that he is happy now, so why do I have to be sad when all I wish and pray for for him is to be happy. Its painful Yes, but I realize when you love some one you will be selfless for the one you love just to see them happy.

    He is indeed a good man, I know he dont want to hurt me yet its the circumstance that does. I made a lot of mistakes during our relationship and he deserve an apology from m. Sometimes I blame myself that if I am as mature as he is, then proly he will not leave me. but I never blame him for his decision to let me go as he just want to be happy.He deserve someone better. I cant give him the happiness he deserve. Only I pray to God is I just wish the girl will realize how lucky she is and will take care of his good heart.

    Maybe someday I will have the courage to listen and sing again one of Adele song w/o feeling the pain in my heart ... "I wish nothing but the best for you two".

    Its time to face a new chapter of my life, I always believe that God has a better for me/ for us.

    I wish these post will be an inspiration for everyone whose heart has been broken. Life is beautiful.

    Last edited by raynaputi; 2nd July 2012 at 20:58. Reason: removed email address

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Beautifully expressed. for sharing ... your words will truly be an inspiration to others in a similar situation.

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    iamiyah firstly i just wish to point out that perhaps you shouldnt put your email addy here on the post,

    perhaps one of our Moderators could remove it for your own safety

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    well iamiyah, what an inspiring post, you are so right to say (quote)I just keep telling to myself that he is happy now, so why do I have to be sad , i know exactly what you mean,

    its not so long ago i let go, though it hurt to do so it was right to do so, at times i thought the pain would never go, but it does given a little time, forgive when its time to forgive,
    i gave up any thought of finding someone special, but its happened perhaps because its meant to be, dont fear getting hurt again that special one will be along when you least expect, im sure god has his plan for you,

  7. #7
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    remember that in life when one door shuts, in time another will surely open and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life so look forward to a brighter future

  8. #8
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thanks Mr. Imagine,

    Firstly i do apologize for posting the email ad as I asked Mr Joe and Mr Arthur to remove my personal add (they were so kind, thank you sir) for security reason.

    Ive admit that Letting him go is one of the hardest choice that I have to make, but its even harder when the reason behind it is the fact that I am no longer the reason of his happiness.

    Bittersweet-for me that’s how it feels. I have to admit that letting the one you love go is as painful as a double razor sword hitting your heart hard that even sobbing and shouting cannot ease the pain. Sweet because on the other hand I feel proud that I am kind enough to just gave his freedom to be with his new happiness even how painful it has been to me.

    This is the reason I wrote this note, for people who has been in my situation to realize that sometimes "Happiness means Letting go" That everything happens for a reason and we give reasons to everything that happens. Things happen not for us to suffer but to learn and gain from it.

    Prayers help me to surpass these sadness and pain. As you said, love might come n the time we least expected it. In God's time

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