David Cameron is prepared to consider a referendum on the UK's EU relationship, but only when the time is right, he has written in the Sunday Telegraph.
David Cameron is prepared to consider a referendum on the UK's EU relationship, but only when the time is right, he has written in the Sunday Telegraph.
I watched Hague on that programme. What ditherer. He just didnt know how to answer the questions.![]()
send in paxman to sort May and hague out
Why cant we have a straight in or out referendum.
I was wondering when somebody was going start this thread considering it made the front page of the Mail, today.
yes, why cant we have a straight forward referendum just like what he's allowing to take place in the Falkland Islands.
Hague had a bad day today....I remember him at PM's question times, hahaha..he had Blair in knots....no wonder Blair tried to stop the whole weekly debacle..he hated them.
I think that Jeremy can be a bit rude and obnoxious sometimes.![]()
Yes ... but not before the next General Election in 2015 ... which COULD mean he's either:
dangling a carrot in front of the electorate - in order to boost Conservative ratings - knowing full well the majority of voters are anti-EU and keen to see's withdrawal
he's less than confident as to his Party's fortunes ... and hoping, at least, to be consoled by engaging in a bit of "buck passing" with the incoming Administration.
The EDL one was interesting.
David Cameron 'prepared to consider EU referendum'
Yes yes yes . Yawwwwn.
Please stop insulting our intelligence David.![]()
I wish our politicians would just shut up when they've nothing sensible to say.
Sadly, like dry rot the tendrils (as with mass migration) have spread throughout our nation, so I can't see us ever totally withdrawing....just that some of the 'unforeseen consequences' of our membership need sorting out.![]()
Arrgh this one again with certain crusty old tories who think the wogs start at Calais, and are so fond of coming up with ridiculous and divisive quotes like "back in the war we beat the hun and now look at them".
Fact is, the ones who are so keen on a referendum, only want it because they think most people will vote no.
Politicians are not keen on a referendum because they know public opinion is against THEIR opinion, and frankly they don't give a stuff what the public thinks, as long as they re-elect them to keep their snouts in the trough for another 5 years.
The europhiles say leaving would cost jobs if the EU boycotted us, they fail to point out the balance is firmly in the EU's favour with the UK being a net importer of goods and a net contributor to the budget. Put another way, they need us more than we need them.
That is to say, many British jobs rely on being in the EU. Why do the UKIP think the likes of Nissan opened factories here? It's so they can export to the EU, you can near guarantee if we pulled out, these factories would be shut within the year and moved to Romania or similar.
The government knows full well we just can't pull out at this stage, it would be economically catastrophic. What they could do, is renegotiate the terms of membership, and if refused, then do what many EU countries do anyway.............just ignore the rules they don't like!
All those billions of pounds saved, they would have to be ploughed back into the economy to create jobs, and moreso.
It might seem attractive when faced with the figures, but does anyone want to risk it?
Answers on a postcard, I don't even know, and I've looked into this in depth.
Put another way again, if Cameron was to announce that the sky was blue and the sea was wet.............then I would want to check it was really the case, because I'd trust him about as much as I'd trust the average dog in a room alone with a steak.
Once again, politicians saying the things that people want to hear...however we are not as stupid as he thinks we are and know that its irrelevant about his considerations of ''maybe or maybe not'' what he might be considering ,..considering after 2015
....afterall the likelihood of him being in a position where his thoughts might be relevant is very small... if he was serious then he would just say ok i'm going to do it and we are gonna do it now..if any one is gonna get excited about that then they probably got excited after Itally missed the second penalty...so the end result is inevitable England will lose and we are not gonna have a referendum.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
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