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Thread: 28th London Barrio Fiesta 2012

  1. #1
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    28th London Barrio Fiesta 2012

    Did anyone go ?

    Mrs D & I were there from about 1 till 5.30. Weather was kind hot sunny spells with a bit of a breeze. All pretty much as in previous years but less stalls which probably reflects the economic climate. Usual spivs offering condo's and apartments. Tacky fair going on in the background. Less Pinoy yoofs with haircuts, oversized baseball caps and bling acting as gangstas than before.

    Parked in one of the "Official Barrio Fiesta Carparks" £10 large field at Hounslow Indoor Bowls Sutton Lane which runs between A4 & A3006 - it's also the pick up point for coaches saw 2 leaving for Derby. Traffic not good in and out seems to be sheer volume compounded by poorly phased lights at A4 A3006 fork junction and along the A3006 past Hounslow West Tube Station.

    A good afternoon out, nice to switch off watch the airliners on final approach and observe (from behind sunglasses) the constant stream of passing talent

    Most of Mrs D's chums, workmates etc are going tomorrow which I think historically pulls in bigger numbers. We sometimes go both days but not this year - hope the weather is good for those going

  2. #2
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    we went there too and have to agree it was a great day out and the weather was kind so a good time was had by all. £10 to park a car is a bit steep but we went by public transport as my freedom pass certainly comes in handy and the tube station is but a short walk from the Fiesta. Noticed a DHL freighter on finals, thats was a rare sight indeed into heathrow

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    stepson went, he's still there, somewhere

  4. #4
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    We'll have to give it a miss this year as my wife is working "long-days" this weekend.
    She mentioned to me that she wants to go the "Party at The Beach" Barrio Fiesta in Sussex.
    Seems like a good plan and we can stay over for the weekend.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    A good afternoon out, nice to switch off watch the airliners on final approach and observe (from behind sunglasses) the constant stream of passing talent

    We were there today and we got stuck in all that traffic on the A4. They have temporary traffic lights on that junction which were phased incorrectly, causing long delays! But overall, the Barrio Fiesta was organised very well. They were even handing out wristbands for young kids so they can be reunited with their parents if they get lost.

    This year, I'm sure there were more agents there trying to sell condos! It was just like walking around one of the malls in Manila!

    We went up on Saturday and spent time with friends in London. but two buses went from our hometown, so there were plenty of familiar faces around. Also, my wife kept meeting people who she either worked with in the Middle East or studied with. Seems like they've all ended up in the UK!

    It was a good day out. There were a couple of showers, but not enough to spoil the day. I'm sure we'll be there next year too.

  6. #6
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    We'll have to give it a miss this year as my wife is working "long-days" this weekend.
    She mentioned to me that she wants to go the "Party at The Beach" Barrio Fiesta in Sussex.
    Seems like a good plan and we can stay over for the weekend.
    Someone likes the sound of that Terpe....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post

    We were there today and we got stuck in all that traffic on the A4. They have temporary traffic lights on that junction which were phased incorrectly, causing long delays! But overall, the Barrio Fiesta was organised very well. They were even handing out wristbands for young kids so they can be reunited with their parents if they get lost.

    This year, I'm sure there were more agents there trying to sell condos! It was just like walking around one of the malls in Manila!

    We went up on Saturday and spent time with friends in London. but two buses went from our hometown, so there were plenty of familiar faces around. Also, my wife kept meeting people who she either worked with in the Middle East or studied with. Seems like they've all ended up in the UK!

    It was a good day out. There were a couple of showers, but not enough to spoil the day. I'm sure we'll be there next year too.
    We braved it again or in truth I was asked upon waking up what time we were setting off. Dodged those damned lights by heading south from Great West Rd onto Sutton Lane. Huge turnout today compared with yesterday by the time we rolled up at 12.30, there was a shower at about 2.15 or so but hunkered down under the brolly. Giveaways seemed a bit scant compared to previous BF's. I snigger at the tacky product / service promotional spiels by the screaming onstage front persons - I was half tempted by the "100% Rockwell" condos for only £75 per month but decided I might need to up my booze budget if minimum alcohol unit pricing comes in.

    Might check out the Worthing bash subject to wifes work rota and shipping forecasts.

    Malchard that DHL plane came in again at about 5pm

  8. #8
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    We went today .........MASSIVE turnout.................traffic was pants, I know the area well and tried every rat run I knew to avoid it , but was almost pointless.

    Enjoyed it overall...............

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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    We went today .........MASSIVE turnout.................traffic was pants, I know the area well and tried every rat run I knew to avoid it , but was almost pointless.

    Enjoyed it overall...............
    I feel even more smug now about my route today less than 10 minutes from the Great West Rd/Great South West Rd junction by the Texaco Garage to engine shutdown in the Sutton Lane/Bowls Club car park

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Yeah i think its all been described we went via public transport and walked up from hounslow high street which was heaving but the road up to Lampton park past the tube station was spookily quiet and although quite a few people on site like others said seemed a bit like being in a mall lol

    The missus and her mate were tempted by Rockwell appartments and on the LBC stall interested they now do a smaller box as well the size they did before. What did you all win on the hoopla at the LBC stall i got three hoops and only got a Brolly :(
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Yeah i think its all been described we went via public transport and walked up from hounslow high street which was heaving but the road up to Lampton park past the tube station was spookily quiet and although quite a few people on site like others said seemed a bit like being in a mall lol

    The missus and her mate were tempted by Rockwell appartments and on the LBC stall interested they now do a smaller box as well the size they did before. What did you all win on the hoopla at the LBC stall i got three hoops and only got a Brolly :(
    I didn't bother with LBC as rightly or wrongly I've always regarded them as cowboys. Scant pickings this year, couple of bags and a Western Union plastic cap thing. Couldn't see a Unison stall - my wifes a member and they're normally good for giveaways. Did the round of stalls on Sat couldn't be bothered on Sunday. I saw they crazed preacher lady was at her usual spot under the trees on the Civic Offices side. Other notable absentees from the stall holders compared with last year were the PPI claimback folks and Kabayan Payday Loan leeches

  12. #12
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Yep we were there on Sunday!. Bit annoying as everytime we put up a tent a security guy came along and told us no tents for 'health and safety reasons. Bit wet at times but overall a good day. Our friends little boy got lost twice but found him in the lost property area! Not helpfull when he had removed his wristband.

    Will go next year if the weather is good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Yep we were there on Sunday!. Bit annoying as everytime we put up a tent a security guy came along and told us no tents for 'health and safety reasons. Bit wet at times but overall a good day. Our friends little boy got lost twice but found him in the lost property area! Not helpfull when he had removed his wristband.

    Will go next year if the weather is good.
    Funnily enough I remarked to my wife about there being no little tents or windbreak type things - the London Ambulance Service must've been overwhelmed with casualties last year. Laughable

  14. #14
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Ded.....we also pitched up on Saturday afternoon.
    It didn't help that the District/Circle line was temporarily suspended from Embankment - Earl's Court.... which they didn't point out until we were on the platform.

    Agree with your comment about the "gangsta-types".... low turn-out this year, with bandanas on limited show.

    Got roped in to a "presentation" for property investment, but after questioning the interest rates they were charging, asking for a copy of past service agreements (and how could the service company be replaced... what time scale, majority vote etc etc ), and querying if it was a flood plain they were building on in Davao, they gave me up as a lost cause.

    Terpe .... we're also considering the Lancing "Beach Barrio Fiesta" as a week-end away.
    We'd already pencilled in a w/end in Brighton with a few (filipino) couples, so this might be the ideal weekend.

    I'll have to do a bit of research on guest houses, small hotels, B&B's along that stretch ... Worthing, Shorham, Lancing, Brighton.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I didn't bother with LBC as rightly or wrongly I've always regarded them as cowboys. Scant pickings this year, couple of bags and a Western Union plastic cap thing. Couldn't see a Unison stall - my wifes a member and they're normally good for giveaways. Did the round of stalls on Sat couldn't be bothered on Sunday. I saw they crazed preacher lady was at her usual spot under the trees on the Civic Offices side. Other notable absentees from the stall holders compared with last year were the PPI claimback folks and Kabayan Payday Loan leeches
    Oh the Kabayan Payday loans people were walking round as indivudals with flyers I saw one in the area to the rear of those watching the stage going group to group not sure she was that gemmed up on what they did, but certainly handing out leaflets. The organisers need to consider investigating ways of cutting down on the hassle people get, we had so many promotional (from official stalls and some not so official) people trying to sell items including bootleg DVDs from shopping trolleys I think they might need to start clamping down otherwise in a few years worth of Barrios it might become a bit of out of control issue which might end up with one authorities or another clamping down hard on the Fiesta. I have seen very dubious looking charity collectors, those selling financial products which might be a bit dubious and morally wrong, and also people offering pirated material lets not get a great event crippled due to people not
    using a it of common...
    Which would spoil it as it is fun to see the police looking so bored but relaxed it must be one of the jobs high on the wanted Shift list in the local area

    I have to say the stalls were thin on the ground and know from what the Wife had heard from one of the regular food stall holders at the morden barrio fiesta this year they didn't think it was financially viable as it was 3k a day at Hounslow. I am sure there was more to it than that but they were regulars and were put off.

    I did notice like you the Unison and some of the other possibly not exciting but possibly more useful for those needing help or information or careers advice were either not there or somehow i missed them. Which is concerning as many of the Pinays and Pinoys ofw with out a family connection here in the UK might need these facilities more if things go round or at least need to know even sub consciously need to know they exist.

    Did notice a few hard core prayer groups going on, one group seemed very creepy for some reason with lots of young phills all very smart in appearance and looking like they in a trance like state
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Funnily enough I remarked to my wife about there being no little tents or windbreak type things - the London Ambulance Service must've been overwhelmed with casualties last year. Laughable
    I saw a few put up on saturday afternoon one tent was put up right next to a no tents sign Did see a few portable tables and chairs with no wind breaks this time round with people sitting there trying to eat and make sure their lechon and kanin didn't fly off was a tad windy this year
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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