From a takeover the very large Japanese company I work for took over some offices and factories in Cebu and while keeping them for now have no intention to expand and even with the problems Thailand had last year and the natural hatred Japanese and Chinese have for one another still prefer to have their outsourced factories and resources in Asian countries in these two countries rather than Phill.
Phill has a bad rep with many Asian countries it seems while some still use it I am always surprised how as individuals phills welcome visitors so well but as a country are so bad as a rule they are at tourism and hosting business. Yes i know they have both a tourist industry and business infrastructure but when you look at the potential and what they have you do wonder how the English speaking, very outward looking (compared to many asian countries), highly educated workforce does so badly.
I really don't think its just down to wages as Phill has so many other advantages when looking at tenders proposal for Factories With stability, Telecom links, from what i know the wages would not affect the costs that much (Many of the staff in the Workplaces of our company in other Asian regions whether white collar or blue collar are Pinoys!!!) its as if the country some how with out realising puts up a v sign some how to the outside world!!