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Thread: Life in the UK Test - An insight

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  1. #1
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    Life in the UK Test - An insight

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    These paragraphs are classic -

    From the Life in the UK handbook I learned many new and interesting things. Apparently, Magna Carta was signed in 1316, some 101 years later than is commonly thought, and Hitler invaded Russia in 1942 – which must have come as a shock to those Russians fighting the invading Wehrmacht in the summer of 1941. Being a political historian, I naturally homed in on the fact that every single description of who was allowed to vote at various times in British history was comically wrong. Had it been an essay I was marking for my students, I would have given it a Fail.

    On a more sinister level, the test handbook apparently served as one long propaganda piece. Drawn up by the Labour government in 2005, and unrevised since 2007, its subtext seemed clear: Labour governments are good to immigrants, and have a history of loosening restrictions, while Conservative ones are bad and keep tightening restrictions on immigration – and a point was made of highlighting whether it was a Labour or Conservative government responsible for relevant changes of law. In the book’s potted account of the history of immigration in Britain, no mention is made of the Harold Wilson government’s 1968 Commonwealth Immigration Act, probably the most racist piece of post-war British legislation, which severed non-white Commonwealth immigration whilst leaving white immigration almost intact. The manual might as well have had a bright red cover and the heading “VOTE LABOUR” atop every page. It therefore comes as no surprise that Theresa May has got round to announcing a revised edition, and I fully expect it to have a comparable “VOTE CONSERVATIVE” subtext.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    From the Life in the UK handbook I learned many new and interesting things. Apparently, Magna Carta was signed in 1316, some 101 years later than is commonly thought, and Hitler invaded Russia in 1942 – which must have come as a shock to those Russians fighting the invading Wehrmacht in the summer of 1941. Being a political historian, I naturally homed in on the fact that every single description of who was allowed to vote at various times in British history was comically wrong. Had it been an essay I was marking for my students, I would have given it a Fail.
    WOW. My history is abysmal so I wouldn't have known any different.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    June 1941 Operation Barbarossa and they were outside Moscow by the end of the year - reverse gear after that though. How shameful that this book contains such gross inaccuracies - sums up the Labour apparatchiks who compiled and proof read it. I bet theres a large comprehensive section on slavery and colonialism
    I just wish I could locate the book my wife used, she may have given it to some friends. But personally I don't recall such terrible errors when I read it.

    If it's actually the case that these errors existed in one of the editions, I say yes it's absolutely shameful.
    Maybe someone here can verify.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I just wish I could locate the book my wife used, she may have given it to some friends. But personally I don't recall such terrible errors when I read it.

    If it's actually the case that these errors existed in one of the editions, I say yes it's absolutely shameful.
    Maybe someone here can verify.
    I agree. Diabolical.

  7. #7
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    I owe you a huge apology. I think somehow or other I deleted the post from you that I quoted in my post.

    I don't know if there's anything that can be done to restore it, but hopefully another mod may help.

    I am truly sorry for my mistake Dedworth.
    Hope you'll be kind to me

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I owe you a huge apology. I think somehow or other I deleted the post from you that I quoted in my post.

    I don't know if there's anything that can be done to restore it, but hopefully another mod may help.

    I am truly sorry for my mistake Dedworth.
    Hope you'll be kind to me
    Black mark for you Terpe - an example of the Mods censorship powers Apology accepted as you swiftly admitted your guilt

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Black mark for you Terpe - an example of the Mods censorship powers Apology accepted as you swiftly admitted your guilt
    By the way Dedworth, very off-topic I know, but I purchased another 10 bottles of Heineken from Asda at the weekend, and another 10 just a couple of hours ago.
    Surprised myself that this good offer was still going.
    How nice. Very enjoyable.

    Thank you for being gracious in accepting my apology.

  10. #10
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    Very good read
    Thanks for that Ricky.

    From our personal experience, I can say that my wife did not read the whole book.
    She read only those chapters that were required for the test.
    Let me also say that she took time out to practise the test on CD's and on the internet.
    This was solely "rote learning" and she continued until she could remember all the correct answers in the tests (the multiple choice format is a great help in rote learning)

    When she took her test she was congratulated by the staff at the college as she only got one question wrong.

    She still can recall a lot of the stuff she learned, but she is the first to admit she did what was needed, and that was to pass the test. Nothing to do with learing about Life in UK or with how to integrate better.

    Just my experience.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Makes my laugh at times and sometimes disillusioned about the whole process but a good read nevertheless.

  12. #12
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Love every single thing he wrote. So funny

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