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Thread: Cenomar ?

  1. #1
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Cenomar ?

    Ok I am ploughing my way through lots of information, I feel like I am taking University degree!
    So my question is I am reading a lot about CENOMAR what is it?

    Is it the CNI version that my fiancee will have to apply for?
    Or is it something I must apply for?

    Brain ache! I need a break from all this study of legal documents, good job i have a week of leave!
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  2. #2
    Respected Member WhiteBloodAda's Avatar
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    Not even a week off work will help! It's a consent headache!

    You will both need a CENOMAR, apply via the NSO website

  3. #3
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    I started off like you. At first I thought that my wife and I only needed a CENOMAR, but that turned out not to be the case. And although a Philippine CENOMAR and a UK CNI are similar if not the same, it is not enough to aquire a Philippine CENOMAR on its own, hence we have to go through the ballache of getting a CNI too. Not only that, when you get your CNI you have to exchange it for a local CNI in the Philippines.

    Hope that helps.

    CENOMAR and CNI are pretty much the same thing. One is a certificate of no previous marriage, the other is a certificate of no impediment to marry. ( I think).

  4. #4
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Most of us have been though this process of here and at first it looks like there is to much to take in but once you know what you need and where to go you can plan everything to fit into your schedule.

    Cenomar's are need for both of you to show you have not been married in the Philippines before. I think it is a very good idea to both get a cenomar even though it is a pain.

  5. #5
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    Most of us have been though this process of here and at first it looks like there is to much to take in but once you know what you need and where to go you can plan everything to fit into your schedule.

    Cenomar's are need for both of you to show you have not been married in the Philippines before. I think it is a very good idea to both get a cenomar even though it is a pain.
    Thank you Rory and you other guys, ok this helps .. just another facet to my list of must do,s before I die lol
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  6. #6
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    May I also ask how should procede with the CENOMAR document? I mean time scales?I read on one link that it can take upto 6-8 weeks! Do I apply for one here or in Philippines? Can any one recommend a NSO link that they used and may be I can use that as well?
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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    Quote Originally Posted by songz777 View Post
    May I also ask how should procede with the CENOMAR document? I mean time scales?I read on one link that it can take upto 6-8 weeks! Do I apply for one here or in Philippines? Can any one recommend a NSO link that they used and may be I can use that as well?
    Here's the NSO link.

    It took us just a few days. Both delivered to my wife's house in Cavite. I orderd mine and my wife's together, online. She paid for them at her local bank. But I think you can pay online now.

  8. #8
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Here's the NSO link.

    It took us just a few days. Both delivered to my wife's house in Cavite. I orderd mine and my wife's together, online. She paid for them at her local bank. But I think you can pay online now.
    Thank you very much thats so helpful, wow so much to arrange! I am so glad that many of you guys have trod that path already and help to me, i think when all this done and I am married that I will stay on tjis forum and like you be a help to those who are like I am now
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  9. #9
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    It seems that my fiancee can fill in the CENOMAR form for me if I give her all my details ie: mother maiden name etc.

    The question is this acceptable?
    Has anyone else done this?
    Can I ask her to do this 2 months before we get married?

    Many thanks

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  10. #10
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    You're sure getting this all planned fella, lots of questions here and there, it's all good

    Like you, I'm also planning, and it looks like from one of your other posts, that we will be out there getting married about the same time. Hmmm monsoon weather

    Anyway, it might LOOK like a lot of things to plan, but once you list them and get down to it, it's not such a big deal.
    Have you ever project managed at work? Depends what you do, but even if not, here's my suggestion of the best thing to do - you need a "critical path"

    Make a list, and work backwards, so say you wish to marry on........umm.......lets hypothetically say 1st December (Yes I know it isn't, but...).

    So if we're talking Phils weddings to a national, we firstly need to remember this 10 days notice thing (Allegedly there's rumour this is financially negotiable, I won't say "taking a bung").
    So your critical path is now 1.12.12 minus 10 days. Stick another day on to be sure.
    So 20th November you need to be at the office with all your paperwork.
    You need to exchange your CNI for a local one - appointment at the embassy, and it's always early morning, so 19th November - presuming you then want to travel to a different part of Phils to marry. OH AND MAKE THAT APPOINTMENT NOW, DON'T DELAY. You want a certain day, don't take the risk of that day not being available. If you haven't already, send off your e-mail this minute asking for a certain day.
    You also must meet your fiance as she needs to present her papers, and will bring your CENOMAR. This by the way as others will say is an additional Phils requirement, just says you haven't been married in Philippines before, and is either a money making racket, or they are protecting their citizens. You decide.

    Flights over, takes in effect 2 days due to time differences, and you WILL have jetlag, so it's possible to do it all setting off 17th.

    Allow 24 days (Is it) to get the CNI from your local registry office - so you need to be going along there to order one by 24th October.

    You can probably see where all this is going.

    In addition, make sure NOW you have any additional documents you may need. Have you been divorced? In which case you need your original decree absolute, if you've lost it, then get looking.

    Hope this helps anyway, point is, it's nothing to be overawed about

  11. #11
    Member jeandrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songz777 View Post
    It seems that my fiancee can fill in the CENOMAR form for me if I give her all my details ie: mother maiden name etc.

    The question is this acceptable?
    Has anyone else done this?
    Can I ask her to do this 2 months before we get married?

    Many thanks

    yes John...she can get a Cenomar for you...just give her your details..your complete name, father's name,,mother's maiden name,,date of birth,,place of birth...

  12. #12
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeandrew View Post
    yes John...she can get a Cenomar for you...just give her your details..your complete name, father's name,,mother's maiden name,,date of birth,,place of birth...
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  13. #13
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Hi again, a question.
    When I go to the emabssy in Manila wtih my CNi from uk do I need to also take my CENOMAR I was under impression I could get my CENOMAR while I was waiting for the 10 days to get marriage license is this so?

    Many thanks
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by songz777 View Post
    Hi again, a question.
    When I go to the emabssy in Manila wtih my CNi from uk do I need to also take my CENOMAR I was under impression I could get my CENOMAR while I was waiting for the 10 days to get marriage license is this so?

    Many thanks
    It seems that you now need your Cenomar at the embassy too, to acquire your local CNI. Change of rules that came in earlier this year.

  15. #15
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    You can get your Cenomar before you even arrive in the Philippines if you apply online and have it sent to your gf address. Thats what we did.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Yes you defiantly need your Cenomar for the Embassy.

    Be WARNED, if your fiancee tries to get your Cenomar they will refuse her. She can get her own but she will have to have a written letter from you at the least, maybe even signed ID with the letter, i am not totally sure how much. My wife was at the NSO all day to get both of ours and could only get her own. Best thing to do is fill out the online form and send it in. You will get a reference number, give this to your fiancee with the money and she can pay for it over there. This is by far the easiest way and what we had to do, or even easier now to pay online and get it send to your fiancee home.

    Check out the link Lastlid posted up, you can fill out the form to see how easy it is, just do not click send.

  17. #17
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    Yes you defiantly need your Cenomar for the Embassy.

    Be WARNED, if your fiancee tries to get your Cenomar they will refuse her. She can get her own but she will have to have a written letter from you at the least, maybe even signed ID with the letter, i am not totally sure how much. My wife was at the NSO all day to get both of ours and could only get her own. Best thing to do is fill out the online form and send it in. You will get a reference number, give this to your fiancee with the money and she can pay for it over there. This is by far the easiest way and what we had to do, or even easier now to pay online and get it send to your fiancee home.

    Check out the link Lastlid posted up, you can fill out the form to see how easy it is, just do not click send.
    Hi Rory thanks for that I have seen the online form and looks easy enough .. I will sort that out 2 months before we get married; I think ist valid for 3 months?

    Take care john
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  18. #18
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Whats the first appointment time for British Embassy? and how long does it take to obtain your new CNI?
    Need to sort out my connecting flights. Many thanks John
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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