Hullo guys n gals, i stumbled across this site whilst looking for some info on marrying in phills.
i plan on marrying in phills on January 2013, so as i understand i will apply for my CNI in the local register office in Scotland, book appointment for the British Embassy in Manila in order to obtain a ‘Consular CNI’
i need my passport, original birth certificate, and as far i can tell we both need a CENOMAR is this required to obtain the ‘Consular CNI’ at the Embassy ? or just for the wedding itself ?
also just looking to find out what documents my fiancee has to provide at the Embassy, just so we can get things to run as smooth as possible.. shes from Ozamiz City, so need to set the wheels in motion as she will need to make sure everythings in order at her end before flying to meet me in Manila..
also whats the costs involved ?
thxx in advance all.. and great site !!