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Thread: New Life in the UK test - What questions would you include

  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    New Life in the UK test - What questions would you include

    I personally dont have a very high opinion of the current Life in the UK test and if i hadnt helped my wife revising for it, think i probably couldnt have passed it!

    With a new life in the UK test being proposed i just wondered what questions would you think useful for people starting to live in Britain?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    What avoidance action should you take when you see non-working 20 somethings, wearing burberry, trackie bottoms tucked into white socks, owning a staffie dog and carrying cans of White Lightning?

    You receive a knock on the door - answer correctly that you have the right to close this door, ask them to leave and you are not obligated to buy anything or sign anything from them.

    There is a general election, you should never EVER put an "X" in the box next to the candidate who campaigns with the logo of a tree (Yes I'm still beyond bitter about them )

    How can you tell it is summer in the uk? (The answer is, the rain is warmer)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I personally dont have a very high opinion of the current Life in the UK test and if i hadnt helped my wife revising for it, think i probably couldnt have passed it!

    With a new life in the UK test being proposed i just wondered what questions would you think useful for people starting to live in Britain?
    I agree.

    Good question. What does life in the UK mean? It actually means so many things to so many different people.

    What could be included?

    Scousers and Geordies.

    City and United.

    Beatles and Beckam.

    As opposed to "What percentage of children lives with both parents?" or "What percentage of the population live in Wales?" and the like.

    As far as I know the test doesn't include stuff like that but all are completely and utterly British and ought to be a part of the test, rather than some of the nonsense that I have seen. I also agree with the idea that significant historical figures and the most significant inventors and artists ought to be included too. A Life in the UK test should reflect British culture.

  4. #4
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    How about:-
    1) questions on the currency
    2) weights and measures ie pounds and ounces
    3) How to contact emegency services, and non emergency for fire , police, Doctors etc
    4) Info about NHS, Utility companies
    5). Information about bank accounts, pasying bills by direct debits, etc
    6) Info about Public libaries,

  5. #5
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    oh its all general question really that even the english people dont have a clue
    eg..the percentage of white/black/asian etc
    and some silly question really like what number to call when its emergency and so many more and mind numbing
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

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