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Thread: £18,500

  1. #1
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    I have just been told that to apply now under the new rules coming out,that for a spouse visa you are required to have £18,500 savings in a bank !!!!!!!!!!!! Has anyone else heard of this or is it false imformation . I was told this by a friend who will be trying to get his japanese wife here next year .
    I hope not it may be a few years before i have that much in the bank

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Not £18,600 savings, ... but anyone wishing to bring his/her non-European spouse, fiance(e) or civil partner to the UK for Settlement, will require to earn this amount [or above] annually, effective from Monday July 9.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Maybe he's being confused, because as part of this dogs dinner of a ruling, someone can mitigate against a shortfall in their £18,600 salary, any savings above £16,000.

    For example, if they earned £18,000, but had £16,600 savings - that then would pass.

    The £16,000 savings actually is one part of this pile of which has SOME logic behind it, as it's the amount of savings you can hold after which you are ineligible for benefits IIRC

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Maybe he's being confused, because as part of this dogs dinner of a ruling, someone can mitigate against a shortfall in their £18,600 salary, any savings above £16,000.

    For example, if they earned £18,000, but had £16,600 savings - that then would pass.

    The £16,000 savings actually is one part of this pile of which has SOME logic behind it, as it's the amount of savings you can hold after which you are ineligible for benefits IIRC
    I see. So if you were under the £18600 mark by not too much, if you had a picasso in your loft or something, then you could go out and flog it and then still qualify cos you had more than £16000 in the bank? Or similar. So another potential glimmer of hope for those not earning £18600 or more....

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Not that I have anywhere near that figure in savings myself ... but, say I'd been retiring from full time employment nowadays - instead of when I did - chances are, any lump sum payment I received, would make up the shortfall. Hmm.

  6. #6
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    Time to dust down that Clarice Cliff tea service in the loft........or anything to raise a few bob to top up the bank account. Cash in that insurance policy or similar.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Time to dust down that Clarice Cliff tea service in the loft........
    Yeah ... well ... many's the true words said in jest! Recently, I was rummaging through our linen cupboard and ... lo and behold ... came across a still unused, boxed tablecloth ... a wedding gift to my late first wife and I - away back in 1967!

  8. #8
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    Or that 1920's Moorcroft vase.....

  9. #9
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I see. So if you were under the £18600 mark by not too much, if you had a picasso in your loft or something, then you could go out and flog it and then still qualify cos you had more than £16000 in the bank? Or similar. So another potential glimmer of hope for those not earning £18600 or more....
    Yes, absolutely

    According to what I read on UKBA site anyway, in amongst all that amazingly long blurb.
    The conditions are that it must be your own money, you must have use of it and it can't be a loan.

    I wouldn't be sure remortgaging your house for example would be allowed - classed as a loan.

    Oh and you have to hold that money for 6 months

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Yes, absolutely

    According to what I read on UKBA site anyway, in amongst all that amazingly long blurb.
    The conditions are that it must be your own money, you must have use of it and it can't be a loan.

    I wouldn't be sure remortgaging your house for example would be allowed - classed as a loan.

    Oh and you have to hold that money for 6 months
    But I think as Graham tends to point out, if you were canny and planned ahead, you might well be able to remortgage a home and do it successfully that way.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Yes, absolutely

    According to what I read on UKBA site anyway, in amongst all that amazingly long blurb.
    The conditions are that it must be your own money, you must have use of it and it can't be a loan.

    I wouldn't be sure remortgaging your house for example would be allowed - classed as a loan.

    Oh and you have to hold that money for 6 months
    Actually, I feel certain that remortgaging would be okay aslong as it was done ahead of time. I mean, what if you decided to move house, and took out a bigger mortgage on a similar property? Would that be classed as a loan that might affect the application? Surely not...Food for thought and reason for more optimism.

    If I was in such a position then this is the type of thing I might look towards to help get me over the line, as it were.

    See what the "grown ups" on the forum think....

  12. #12
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    See this posting from Bluebirdjones today on this kind of thing. Post 9

  13. #13
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'm with you.

    My personal situation however isn't going to be altered by any savings, I can not generate that amount of savings in cash, even if I did remortgage my house.

    If - and it's a big if - I was to somehow sell the house, and move into rented, then I could. Perhaps this is a possibility for someone.
    My issue is simply this blasted income requirement. Just trying not to think about it because it's frankly sending me under, and I really have been trying to get an extra job - with no luck so far.

    Oh well

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