hi! my wife and i went to ukba today (04/07/2012) to lodge her ilr application. when we got there, they've asked for our passports and her life in the uk test result. when they looked at her passport, there's a stamp dated 22.03.11 on her visa which is the date when we got back from 3 week holiday. the date when she first got here in the uk was 24.06.10 but they didn't stamp her visa (not knowing they should have done) that time so the ukba officer said that she's allowed to stay for another year (shows that she doesn't even check the details properly) until we said that her visa is expring on 21st of july. She spoked to her 2 managers and they agreed that they cannot accept my wife's ilr application. it is really devastating when we've travelled quite far, expecting that we might get her ilr today but just because of airport's officers failure to stamp the visa couple of years ago they've rejected our application. They said she cannot reschedule the premium service so we just have to post it and provide the evidence that she's been here in the country since 24.06.2010. my wife has still got her boarding pass from when she first got here and the trip summary and receipt. does anyone here had the same trouble? can anyone give us advise on what to do and what other document/s we could possibly provide for them not to see any loop to reject it again just because of the date stamped on her visa. I am a british citizen but instead of sending my passport when she applies ilr by post, i've read that my birth certificate is also acceptable but what other formal document can i submit to prove that i've been living in this country for more than 3 years? or if i send my passport, how long will it take them to send our passporst back to us? any advise will be much appreciated. thanks