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Thread: getting a job????

  1. #1
    Member cryingbaby's Avatar
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    getting a job????

    hello everybody..could anybody share to me of how hard is it getting a job in uk? im holding a fiancee visa but im getting married on august 25 so most probably after i have applied for my extension of visa, i would want to get a job..coz its not really healthy to just stay at home and wait for you husband from work.. i didnt finish college, on my fourth year supposedly but i quit for some reasons, and i didnt have much job experience though i manage our own business in the philippines for a year.. so im just wondering if i still need to take some trainings or short courses, for me to get a job..what are the first steps?i forgot to bring my school credentials in the philippines..will they be needing those?im staying in swindon, wiltshire right now..and anyway, am i free to drive here?i have a philippine drivers license but im not sure what are their rules and guidelines here in driving..
    guys and gals who knows anything about my queries, pls do advice will be much appreciated and definitely a big help..thanks and have a good day..

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access) copyhardwick's Avatar
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    hi my wife and i have just done the same thing, tez was told to apply for jobs by the job center and to get letters of refusal, so it doesnt really matter what the job is, after about 6 applicationa and two letters of refusal she was offered a job, not quite what we had planned but i called the job center and they told me for her to accept the job and to start work without a ni number, hm customs and revenue then told me she could work on a temperory ni number until she had an interview, which was last week the appointment came really quickly, she is now waiting for the number by post , and the interview was fine and no problem, although it would seem its easier if you are married, as we were from 14 july, so you can work on a temp number no problem but maybe just wait to apply for interview for ni number until you are married so you have your marriage certificate to show, hm customs and revenue told me temp number ok for 6 months, hope this helps you in some way, simon

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryingbaby View Post
    hello everybody..could anybody share to me of how hard is it getting a job in uk? im holding a fiancee visa but im getting married on august 25 so most probably after i have applied for my extension of visa, i would want to get a job..coz its not really healthy to just stay at home and wait for you husband from work.. i didnt finish college, on my fourth year supposedly but i quit for some reasons, and i didnt have much job experience though i manage our own business in the philippines for a year.. so im just wondering if i still need to take some trainings or short courses, for me to get a job..what are the first steps?i forgot to bring my school credentials in the philippines..will they be needing those?im staying in swindon, wiltshire right now..and anyway, am i free to drive here?i have a philippine drivers license but im not sure what are their rules and guidelines here in driving..
    guys and gals who knows anything about my queries, pls do advice will be much appreciated and definitely a big help..thanks and have a good day..
    You don't need to take trainings or courses just to get a job, there's plenty of jobs in here that will suits to your previous experienced, unless you want a proper job and higher wage then yeah why not take some course to build up your knowledge. Or to build up your experience, start from small job.

    You won't get a proper job easily specially if you don't have much experienced but I'm sure this won't stop you from looking , just keep on trying to apply and you'll get luck when your times come.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    crying baby,

    Once you have your flr, all you have to do is email some companies you would like to work with, even they will not email you back..PRINT (2 different emails) in your sent messages to show to the JOB CENTER PLUS from the time of your interview.that's all they want together with your passport w FLR(m). Pls USE the SEARCH FUNCTION as there's a sticky thread for applying NI.

    Most of the employer are looking for a background,character reference, and experience which is very irritating and it depends on the job u wanted to.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    here in belfast EVERYONE who works in all the KFC restaraunts are ALL filipino!

    it looks more like Jolibees than a KFC! lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryingbaby View Post
    hello everybody..could anybody share to me of how hard is it getting a job in uk? im holding a fiancee visa but im getting married on august 25 so most probably after i have applied for my extension of visa, i would want to get a job..coz its not really healthy to just stay at home and wait for you husband from work.. i didnt finish college, on my fourth year supposedly but i quit for some reasons, and i didnt have much job experience though i manage our own business in the philippines for a year.. so im just wondering if i still need to take some trainings or short courses, for me to get a job..what are the first steps?i forgot to bring my school credentials in the philippines..will they be needing those?im staying in swindon, wiltshire right now..and anyway, am i free to drive here?i have a philippine drivers license but im not sure what are their rules and guidelines here in driving..
    guys and gals who knows anything about my queries, pls do advice will be much appreciated and definitely a big help..thanks and have a good day..
    It is really quite hard to get job here so you need to be patient and need not to be picky. Some employers did background investigation that cause delay, you need to wait for their closing dates of submissions of CV's from applicants, etc.
    If you got your job and still not enjoying your job, you can study for your career advancement. There maybe some free courses in your local college which is a good opportunity to grab. Like here in the border, they offered free courses on Caregiving and once you have graduated, they will help you in getting a job. It is only a short courses once a week for 11 weeks so you can surf the web about the nearest college in your area.
    Just don't give up! Goodluck to your JOB HUNTING

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My wife was not sure what she wanted to and as mentioned before she ended up working at a coffe shop not her ideal job but it sorted out the ni application, gave her work experience (as had the charty shop job before) and also confidence she can do it and movation to progress.

    Good luck with the job hunt

  8. #8
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    with 1 year of business management experience you have a great qualification. Plus, you are young, so that is definately an advantage in the marketplace. What qualifications do you have? How flexible are you in location? There are a few recruitment agencies who have an excellent online presence and help . .. what is your dream job? You also need to ask yourself -- how much do you need to earn, and then work from that basis!

    just my humble contribution!


  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With regards the driving liscense i think yu can drive for a year on a phill liscense if you get an international liscense. I saw a few people on a forum discussing it a year or two back. After a year you have to have a uk or another eu drivers liscense to drive in the uk i think others may know more.

    In italy recently the phillpino drivers liscense was recogonised so you didn't need to change it if i read the same thread correctly and there was some talk in asking the british and others to do the same. But i somehow think it unlikely.

  10. #10
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    [QUOTE=andypaul;28791]With regards the driving liscense i think yu can drive for a year on a phill liscense if you get an international liscense.QUOTE]

    I can confirm that is completely true

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on driving in the uk, you have to pass your theory and practical test within a year of arriving in the uk !!. and you will have to tell your insurance company that your driving on a international licence.

    a year is not along time, as you will need to apply for a provisonal licence and prob have to go to your local dvla centre and they might have to take your passport from you, to process the application, and that could take a couple of weeks before you get your passport back, then your theory test, driving lessons, and the test it self, usually there is a 4-8wk waiting period , from when you book the test, to when you can take it, and if you fail thats another 4 to 8 weeks before you can take it again..

    so don't think a year is a long time to get it all done

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    ahhh good perspective Joe

    as for my mar, she'll have to start from scratch here! LOL

  13. #13
    Member cryingbaby's Avatar
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    hello..good day..thanks alot for all your very useful informations....i dont really expect to get a nice job yet..everybody must start from scratch..anyway, im happy to be in this helps alot...thank you, thank you to everybody...mwaaaaaaaah!!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    after my wife had been in the UK for nearly a year, she wanted to do some part time work, and if not then full time, as she was revising for her exams, and we need more money.

    she applied online mostly for jobs do to with health, medicine or lab work advertised in the local newspapers or on web sites. after about 30 applications for jobs she could do, but was told she was over qualified ( she has a degree in biology and one in medicine), she was getting nowhere, so she removed her medicine degree, and said she had been to med school for 3 years, after that she got a few interviews, but not the job, mostly becuase of not the correct experience, finally after about applying for 100 jobs online and written apps, she landed the job she wanted, working part time, in the local hospital( and now shes told them, she is a doc, and are putting her on training courses and helping her with clinical attachments ) but this took over 6 months of applying for jobs, and i think the average time for a british person to find a job( i think a job in a field they are trained for ) is 3 months !!, so be prepared for set backs, delays, and frustration, but your'll get there in the end, every body goes thru the same problems wether they are british, pinoy, or other

    just taylor your cv and letter of app, so you fit the job perfectly

    good luck lady

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    im just lucky . . .
    i moved back to belfast and 1 week later, i thought, i'll look for a job, 3days later i had a job offer ! LOL

    no pressure though!

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    tis the luck of the

    good for you bigtom, but it also depends on what job you do or are looking for

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    that's true
    and it's always been the same thing for me . . .

    from Music Teacher, Counsellor, Sales Rep, Account Manager and all the other random stuff i've done! LOL

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