The 8 months of collecting papers and making a very organised checklist plus a 12-page coverletter from both me and Brian has paid off sweetlyI applied on 22nd June, they started processing on the 27th
The 8 months of collecting papers and making a very organised checklist plus a 12-page coverletter from both me and Brian has paid off sweetlyI applied on 22nd June, they started processing on the 27th
Sound like a better start my papers collating soon we plan to marry next July.
If you can give me some tips on your list / check list papers gathered i would appreciate it. I have been gathering evidence since the 1st day we met and keep it in folder for each month, ie: western union, skype logs. phots, letters etc
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.
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