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Thread: Obtaining a UK visa for under 18 dependants

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  1. #1
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    Question Obtaining a UK visa for under 18 dependants

    My wife - who I am sure is not alone in this! - has several dependents in Cebu who are under 18 including a 15 year old brother who - visa permitting - we would like to bring to the UK for education and ideally residency. I've looked at the threads and not found a similar question - does anyone have the answer/experience of doing this - both bad and good???

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    How many dependants does she have? - Do you and your wife planning to bring them all in the UK?

    You both have to provide lots of evidences and she'll have to prove to the embassy that her 15 yr old brother has no other family than her, I mean we are talking about her 'brother' in this case and not her child. Your wife must show evidences that she is sending money to his brother in the Phils.

    I think you both should see a professional adviser.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I think that to have her brothers etc regarded as dependants your wife would have to prove that she was their sole means of finacial support when she was there in Phils and continues to be now that she is here in the UK.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With dependants as well as proving you are the sole means of finacial support you would need to prove you can provide for them in the UK and have enough room in your accomdation.

    Others will have more practical experience on this but before submiting an application i think a whole of research needs to be made.

    My Wife has a Brother and Sister who both are basically support by her but to prove others could not support them if my wife did not would be pretty hard we felt.

    Also we would need to move to a larger propety as when an application is made the ECO has to ensure the applicants and sponsers have enough space to live. The regulations have been mentioned on here before.

    But from the top of my head there needs to be a room which is not a kitchen or bathroom which is larger than 50 sq ft (not as big as it sounds) one room is good enough for 1 to 2 people ie husband and wife. i

    I think it goes something like this, i will try and dig out the section f pdf if need

    • one bedroom for each single adult (over 16) in the property and/or
    • one bedroom for each adult couple (over 16 - including same sex couples)
    • all children are considered to share one bedroom except in the following circumstances:
    • a bedroom each for children of different sexes once the eldest reaches the age of 10 and/or
    • a bedroom each for children of the same sex once the eldest reaches the age of 16.
    If you had several dependents that could mean needing quite a few rooms depening on their age and sex.

    I wish you all the best but do bear in mind this factors, we calculated we would need a lot more surplus money each money and two extra rooms for my wifes brother and sister to come over. It would have cost a huge amount and we could provide them with a very comfortable living wth the very best in education phill can provide for far less.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    this i think could be really difficult to do, but not impossible, you will need to show that there are special circumstances including financial and emotional dependency upon you, and if your brother and others dependants have family in the philippines then i dont think you will be successful., if he has aunts, uncles, cousins then the gov will say they can support him...

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Many thanks for these responses, I will take all the comments on board and see if I can make a good case!

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