Was about to get a form of provisional driving license,and thought its better to check first here in the forum.....found out that my philippine driving license can be use here in the u.k for a year,am i right? (is it from the date of my arrival or the date of my flr?)....it seems that it might save me for applying the provisional, but i will still be going for a LOTS of driving lesson thats my husband insist and thats what i thought the right thing to do as well, because i am a driver in the philippines especially a motorbike driver

you now imagine how bad drivers in philippines and i must say i am ONE of them too!!!

.....when i got here even crossing road was vdifficult for me....i just wish i didnt knew how to drive at all, less complications i suppose....my main concern is if our philippine driving license is still allowed to use for such lenght of time (1 yr.)? and what do u think is the right thing to do???thanks very much in advance..cheers