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Thread: some advice please

  1. #1
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    some advice please

    hello to all. please tell me what u think of my idea re my situation. i am married to an englishman and at the moment we, that is me and my babies, are still here in the philippines. hubby is trying to sort his flat so he can sell it to get a new house where we can all be accomodated. the thing is, he is also working long hours and it's a bit difficult for him to do all these on his own. i am wondering if its possible for me to apply for a visa so i can be with him to help him sort our accomodation while staying with him in his flat? and just fetch our kids when a house is ready? is this possible?

    your advice will be greatly appreciated .

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    i think its very possible for you to apply for a spouse of the couple here has the same situation as you are,they just then fetch her daughter after when she`s here.please feel free to use the search button about spouse visa.thre`s already lots of answer to that.Goodluck to you and to your family
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    As long your hubby can provide a proof of accomodation when you apply a spouse visa that would be fine...

    Do you have twins? because if this is your plan (going to UK without them), in the end your twins will costs your hubby a lot of visa fees when applying to UK, they will have to fill up a separate forms.

    How old are your twins?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
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    thanks Mrs Daddy. although i have searched "spouse visa" pages, i havent seen the thread you mentioned. i'll just have to look harder

    yes, Lady J, i have twins but we already have them registered in England. i was told that i can apply for their passports now if i want. so i guess that means they don't have to apply for visa anymore, is that right? they're only 1 1/2 years old.

    actually, hubby's plan is to get all 3 of us together when i get my visa, which i haven't applied for yet. the reason behind that is the accomodation. i was told that he has to have a place for all of us ready first. so until he sorted that out, i can't apply for visa yet. he has a 1 bedroom flat and i think that it will be acceptable as "ok" accomodation for both of us but not with the twins. hence my "idea" of going there to help him. i want all of us to be together soon and i guess this is my idea of making it soon .

    shall i go for it? more advises please. thank you in advance.

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Chartiz, If your twins are sorted then go ahead to your plan... You can help your hubby sorting out the accomodation as well the financial, work while twins are not here til you both are ready to get your twins, I think that's a good idea!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
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    maraming salamat Lady J . now all i have to do is tell dear hubby about it . and then start the process of collecting documents and stuff for embassy. thanks again for the advice and i know i will be coming back for more advice

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Charitz,
    Thats exactly what my wife Louella and I are doing, Louella arrived here at the end of September last year and then we applied seperately for a visa for her daughter which was issued in January. We will now be going to Philippines in August for a vacation and to bring her daughter back to the UK with us when we come home.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Charitz,
    Thats exactly what my wife Louella and I are doing, Louella arrived here at the end of September last year and then we applied seperately for a visa for her daughter which was issued in January. We will now be going to Philippines in August for a vacation and to bring her daughter back to the UK with us when we come home.
    am too excited for you both.please enjoy your holiday
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  9. #9
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    Hi Mrs Daddy I am a new member here. I am a filipina and separated and have 2 kids.... I have a BF In England and he wants me to get a Visit visa... The problem is that... we have not met yet here in the phils and before him I have a bf in sheffield and i already have applied for a visit visa and was denied... because of the reasons that I am still separated... I am not planning to live there... Just wanted to visit... Advices are of great help.. Thanks

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you've already been denied a visitors visa, and you are now split up, they obviously made the correct decision. The chances of you getting one now is less than 1%.

    He needs to visit you. If he can't be bothered doing that, he's not worth it.
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Hi If my chances is only less than 1% why do i need my new bf to come here and visit me?

  12. #12
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    ....could I just reason out that I am visiting a friend "him" for me to get the visit Visa? what do you think?Thanks
    Is it that difficult to apply for a tourist visa for like even 10 days?

  13. #13
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rheanne05 View Post
    ....could I just reason out that I am visiting a friend "him" for me to get the visit Visa? what do you think?Thanks
    Is it that difficult to apply for a tourist visa for like even 10 days?
    if you don't met your bf yet dont apply a tourist visa its a big gamble ayeeeh,dont waste your money and you had already denied,bcoz you dont have enough evidence how you met him and a lots of these???????

  14. #14
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rheanne05 View Post
    ....could I just reason out that I am visiting a friend "him" for me to get the visit Visa? what do you think?Thanks
    Is it that difficult to apply for a tourist visa for like even 10 days?
    sorry rheanne but i think the boss is right and the rest of the member would still say the same.its not really that easy.even before when i applied for a visitors visa at first knowing that we have corresponded for about two years with the man i am married now but still they denied my he came over twice and then we married in PI and applied for a spouse visa.I dont know really what you want in your life?are you going to settle a bloke from uk?in that case if you`re married before was not annuled i think you have to sort it out it will just complicate things.i assure you that the embassy will not be satisfied about your reason of coming here.even before my bf now my hubby told embassy that he will gonna buy two way air fare for me but still they didnt let me.they said on my application when they returned it that thy have no questions about my sponsor but they question my reason of going conclude all this.sorry but i think its impossible for you to visit uk sad to say!
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  15. #15
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rheanne05 View Post
    ....could I just reason out that I am visiting a friend "him" for me to get the visit Visa? what do you think?Thanks
    Is it that difficult to apply for a tourist visa for like even 10 days?
    You can reason that you are only visiting your friend if you can provide them enough proof with your assets (money, business, property), you have to satisfy an ECO that you are not a risk to migrate. It is difficult to apply for tourist visa even for ten days if you don't meet any of their requirements and if you can't satisfy them with your proofs. If you feel that you can provide all this requirements then I don't see why you don't ask for a tourist visa. Remember that you are a third national so it is up to you to clear their doubts.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi rheanneo5,
    If you are planning for a visit visa then you just have to comply all the requirements stated in the checklist. You have to provide them your savings acct, land titles, cert of empl or if you have a business then show them the evidence. A letter from your sponsor indicating that the purpose of that visit is for you to meet each other (which is one of the req for a fiancee visa). That is if you intend to get married later on. As long as you can prove the Embassy that you're coming back i guess there is no harm in pursuing your application. Good luck!

  17. #17
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rheanne05 View Post
    Hi If my chances is only less than 1% why do i need my new bf to come here and visit me?
    You need him to come and visit you if you want to keep the relationship going...don't you? And maybe decide to get to another phase if you both find you are suited for each other. Haven't you thought of that? It will show the people from the embassy that your relationship is genuine. Simple as that...Goodluck!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  18. #18
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    Gracia is exactly right.
    I feel sad that is appears to be you doing all the worry and hard work while your Hubby is in Uk not really bothering.
    I am sorry if this seems unfair, but i cannot see why he is not visiting his wife?.
    I am sorry to say that it seems like he is not bothered and it is you who wants to make things work.

  19. #19
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    I agree with Gracia and Mark. I'm in UK, trying to sort out all my affairs here, in order to be able to join Ruby in Phils. I made the time to spend 3 weeks with her, and to accompany her to Manila in order to submit the Visa application.

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