1. there is a fast track. believe it or not. and surprise, surprise, you dont need to be a president to avail of the service. have a look, it wont hurt.
2. i was here on a holiday when my husband (then my boyfriend) proposed to me. left my job in dubai, came over and arranged our weeding. we were aware we can get married on my tourist visa granted the COA.
3. there were a lot of documentations needed to get our COA approved. if i would base it on the required documentations, i would say that the home office is very strict on issuing such approval. it took us almost 3months to go through the whole process.
4. i dont need you to believe i was able to get married on a tourist visa. check the website and get the facts. i did not make up the process, it actually exists.
5. i think the home office is strict enough as even though i was permitted to get married here, i will not be able to transfer my tourist visa to spouse visa.