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Thread: Immigration backlog: New warning from watchdog

  1. #1
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    Immigration backlog: New warning from watchdog

    "The UK Border Agency has no "clear strategy" for dealing with a group of more than 150,000 foreign nationals staying on after visas expire, the borders and immigration inspector says.

    John Vine said the group, typically foreign students, is growing in number.

    His report warned that immigration officers did not know how many of those told to leave the UK had actually left.

    Immigration minister Damian Green blamed the last government - but Labour said the report was damning.

    The latest report from the inspector focuses on a previously unknown problem in the UKBA, concerning people from outside Europe who have deadlines to leave the UK.

    Many of these people are students and if they do not leave when told to do so, they are added to the "migration refusal pool" (MRP).

    'More pro-active'
    "There are over 150,000 cases nationally of migrants who have been refused an extension of stay in the UK," said Mr Vine.

    "The Agency does not know how many of these individuals have left the country or are waiting to be removed.

    "I also saw no evidence that there is a clear plan in place for the Agency to deal with this stream of work to ensure this does not become another backlog.

    "I believe it can and must do more to demonstrate it is dealing with this issue in a more proactive manner."

    The report said the number of MRP cases had grown from 153,000 in October of last year to almost 160,000 by mid-December".

  2. #2
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    There is a bit more here quoting a sloppy Hampshire/Isle of Wight team which may account for the fact why Mick's ex wife hasn't been removed :-

    The extent of the problems emerged in an inspection of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight local immigration team at the end of 2011.

    Cases involving migrants in the UK, such as students, who had been refused an extension of stay were put in a so-called migration refusal pool and told they must leave within 28 days, the report showed.

    Migrants in the pool who were still in the UK included those who should have left but had not done so, those who had applied for leave in another category, who had outstanding appeals or other legal barriers, or who had left the UK voluntarily by a route not captured by e-borders.

    Staff underestimated the scale of the problem by about two-thirds, gauging there were between 400 and 600 cases when there were 1,893 in the area on December 12, Mr Vine said.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi all,
    It appears that my ex wife was sent home very recently, I recived a message from her thanking me for reporting her to the police and getting her removed and making her life worse!

    I have not been told anything officaly or do I know who removed her.
    It does at least put clousure on events.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    It appears that my ex wife was sent home very recently, I recived a message from her thanking me for reporting her to the police and getting her removed and making her life worse!

    I have not been told anything officaly or do I know who removed her.
    It does at least put clousure on events.
    Well done Mick !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    It appears that my ex wife was sent home very recently, I recived a message from her thanking me for reporting her to the police and getting her removed and making her life worse!

    I have not been told anything officaly or do I know who removed her.
    It does at least put clousure on events.
    What goes around comes around.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think its time all students had to pay a deposit before they can enter the UK, say £2,000 and when they have left they get their month back, if they have not left they lose the money, that money is used to try and find them and deport them with a life time ban from ever coming to the UK again.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think its time all students had to pay a deposit before they can enter the UK, say £2,000 and when they have left they get their month back, if they have not left they lose the money, that money is used to try and find them and deport them with a life time ban from ever coming to the UK again.
    Good idea. Possibly more than 2000......

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Good idea. Possibly more than 2000......
    ... yes ... well ... why NOT! After all, students in England at least, have to fork out on tuition fees.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... yes ... well ... why NOT! After all, students in England at least, have to fork out on tuition fees.
    Very good idea, but of course our goverment wont do anything that is simple and could be effective

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