everyone. I'm back and needed some
about the letter I've received today and I'm confused.Does it mean that the ECO didn't overturn the decision and I will have an oral hearing?
Dear Applicant,
You may wish to be aware that your appeal paper has been forwarded to the appropriate authorities in the United Kingdom via diplomatic bag leaving Manila on 04/07/2012.
Any enquiries related to your appeal must be made direct to the Appellate Authorities in the United Kingdom at the following contact details:
First Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
Tribunals Customer Service Centre
Tel No: 0044 845 6000 877
Fax: 0044 116 249 4130
Minicom (Text Phone) 0845 606 0766
Email Add: Customer.Service@tribunals.gsi.gov.uk
Website: www.tribunals.gov.uk
Yours sincerely
Appeals Team
Visa Services
UK Border Agency
British Embassy Manila