Tourism is not really the best path to development. Inbound tour operators, espescially within Asia, are canny folk who never leave a cent on the table, taking great care to ensure that as much as possible of the tourists' "spend" lands in their own pockets, so you get badly paid job vacancies for chambermaids, waiters, security guards and, lets be frank, prostitutes, the money goes back to the country of origin of the tourists and all that happens is that the place gets messed up.

Export based agricultural and industrial development is vastly better.

Take the Ifugao rice terraces - tourism to them will result in hotels being built, roads improved and jobs for chambermaids and waiters. But there is no obvious way- and certainly no corruption-proof way - to get the money to the farmers to repair the terraces.

If, on the other hand, terrace-grown rice was exported under Fairtrade conditions, the famers would benefit and be motivated to maintain the terraces.