06 July 2012

The changes to the UK Immigration Rules on family settlement will come into affect on 9 July 2012. If you have completed your application using our online application system you must submit your application and pay your fee by 00:01 on 9 July 2012 (UK time) to be considered under the current Rules. All applications submitted after this time will be processed under the new Rules.

Changes to the Rules will apply from 9 July and applications submitted on or after this date must be made using the new settlement visa application form (VAF4A) and appendices. The new VAF4A form and appendices will not be available until 9 July 2012. The appendices will not be available on the online application system so you will need to download, print and complete them from this website. You must bring the appendix with you, along with your other supporting documents when you attend the visa application centre. If you do not complete and submit the correct appendix your application will be delayed and you will still have to complete the correct appendix .
