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Thread: Enhanced Disclosure

  1. #1
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Enhanced Disclosure

    been month now since i applied for a job nearby a day after my interviewed they require me to submit paperwork to prove i am eligible/allowed to work in the UK although i dont have my passport as i only shows the letter from UKBA about recently application which they agree and accepted as a proof i can work here legally..
    anyway they take that as they want to process my CRB..which will takes 2-3 weeks as they said..and 2 days after that they call again but that time iw asnt there the husband answer the call as they ask a references and they know already since the first day i applied and of course i have stated on my application and on interview thay i never work here in the UK its my first time to work in case and that all my reference was all in the Philippines..ANYWAY to cut the story short the husband give them a references from here the people we know and knows me of course..2 of them but confusing as the one person my reference call us back that the lady from which i applied send her a paperwork to fill up of to which its like i was employed by him before
    its a personal references that all we have here..and now its been a month since i applied the CRB already came out and been send to me last monday..and am waiting for a call to them but they never it right for me to call them or just wait..for them to contact me..a ma eager to work of course but i am confuse as to wheather they also waiting for a reference that wont never arrive as they my references are all in the PH..what i got here is only personal ref.. one time we drop by and leave my name to inquire for my status but the boss was ill and i dunno if they pass my message about the confusing references they ask to me
    and if a company release a CRB for you does it mean they hire you..?? its a shame as the last conversation they make was with the huisband telling him that i go the job and they want t reference here rather than contacting my refrences in the ph

    any inputs

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  2. #2
    Respected Member Jack1969_uk's Avatar
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    Follow it up with the company your message may not have been passed on its just a courtesy call to enquire if they were satisfied with your references

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    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack1969_uk View Post
    Follow it up with the company your message may not have been passed on its just a courtesy call to enquire if they were satisfied with your references
    thanks for reply jack1969_uk
    i will try to do it tomorrow i think as i was just keen to know whats goin on..really
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  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Yep politely chase it up like everywhere in the world Administrators and workers only do what they are chased and reminded to do quite often. Knowing someone is asking them about the references and also there to answer any questions they may possibly have. I am amazed how when you chase and enquire a company goes oh we were unsure of this or could you confirm the details for us..

    To put it bluntly only person who cares about your application is you, so make sure it becomes a priority for the person processing but with out making them

    The wifes Citzenship, UK Visa and a recent security check she needed for her work pass all needed her to "Enquire" to speed things up as they had got "stuck in the system"

    I.E she made it someones business to check the details and process it
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    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    thanks for the reply somebody its just make me worry you know i was hoping and now it seems being buried in hopes but in a way i dunno want to sounds desperate lolz..anyway in the first place they shows interest and ive just shows the same as well and now it hang me and i dunno to where my position is..
    is having CRB from them..does it means i am in position to chase the said offered job? and have i got right to call them..what should i say..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    thanks for the reply somebody its just make me worry you know i was hoping and now it seems being buried in hopes but in a way i dunno want to sounds desperate lolz..anyway in the first place they shows interest and ive just shows the same as well and now it hang me and i dunno to where my position is..
    is having CRB from them..does it means i am in position to chase the said offered job? and have i got right to call them..what should i say..
    CRB checks, as requested by my previous employer, tended to take several weeks. They always slowed the hiring process down and often were the last requirement to be finalised, thus holding up the eventual hire.

    There is no harm in giving the employer a call.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    CRB checks, as requested by my previous employer, tended to take several weeks. They always slowed the hiring process down and often were the last requirement to be finalised, thus holding up the eventual hire.

    There is no harm in giving the employer a call.
    hiya CRB result has been send to me last week already and not even a single call from them i didnt hear from them you know am confuse as well as the last time they spoken to my husband they want a ref from here wherein the ref i got is only back from PH..AS THEY know anyway during my interview but again confuse as my other ref from here is only a personal ref and not a work ref..and still they send him a paper to fill up as though i was emplyoyed by him
    and i dont know to where my position right now..
    i am tempted to applied another job but in the same place i dunt wnt to regret that i might be hire you i felt i cant really move.. if u know what am saying
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    hiya CRB result has been send to me last week already and not even a single call from them i didnt hear from them you know am confuse as well as the last time they spoken to my husband they want a ref from here wherein the ref i got is only back from PH..AS THEY know anyway during my interview but again confuse as my other ref from here is only a personal ref and not a work ref..and still they send him a paper to fill up as though i was emplyoyed by him
    and i dont know to where my position right now..
    i am tempted to applied another job but in the same place i dunt wnt to regret that i might be hire you i felt i cant really move.. if u know what am saying

    If in doubt give them a shout....

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    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    is it right to do lastid??
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    is it right to do lastid??
    I can't see why not. Also, it demonstrates to them that you want the job.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I can't see why not. Also, it demonstrates to them that you want the job.
    but i thought they doin my CRB..that enough proof that they want me as having CRB done means the company wants you or is it everyone who applied they do crb commonly here in the anyway its all there expenses
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    but i thought they doin my CRB..that enough proof that they want me as having CRB done means the company wants you or is it everyone who applied they do crb commonly here in the anyway its all there expenses
    I see what you mean. Yes, the fact that they are requesting your CRB is a good sign. It sounds like they want to employ you.

    As I recall, they only request CRB's for those they want to offer a job to.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I see what you mean. Yes, the fact that they are requesting your CRB is a good sign. It sounds like they want to employ you.

    As I recall, they only request CRB's for those they want to offer a job to.
    that's the whole point lastid why im also keen to give them a call but at the same time i dont want to spoil in case they want me but am also confuse to my real status except for the confusing references that they ask
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  14. #14
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    just wait for their call Moy, if they really need you they will get in touch with you....regarding references , it should be the one from the UK , its just formality they don't actually ring or phone them.
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  15. #15
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    just wait for their call Moy, if they really need you they will get in touch with you....regarding references , it should be the one from the UK , its just formality they don't actually ring or phone them.
    thanks for the reply sars but as you know its my first time to really apply for a job herein the UK and obviously im also keen and curious as to what the company's policy regrading hiring there employee as i assume after CRB done they goin to at least get in touch to you but in my case week now i didnt hear anything from them lolz if whats my real status
    as you know it worry me as well regarding references here in the UK is only personal ref..not a work ref and that conversation the last time was with the husband given them from here..but after few days one ref from here call us back that my prospective employer send him a paperwork to fill up as though i been employed by him so the miscommunication is so obvious and it bothers me.. as much as i want to get it done i dont want to be sound as desperate lolz. but i felt trap as i i dunno wheather to apply more job in case that job will turn up and hire me..if you know what am saying..
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