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Thread: Gated home or in the hills

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Gated home or in the hills

    where do you think is best , a gated house wth the use of a pool and oter things a gaurd at the front gate and yes a fee to pay all year round, or your own place not to far away from folk, but not gated,

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    We have a gate and a guard 'dog' (hang on, we ate the dog!!) so just a gate then as you know Steve. But we have cctv.

    I think if you shut yourself away people will always want to see in. Everyone can see what 'we' have within reason. Just need to use common sence, unless you go to live where there are fighting factions.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    'We ate the dog'.
    Only in the Philippines.

    Having lived in the Phils for a number of years in various locations ranging from a Nipa hut in the mountains to posh gated subdivision, (and never had a break-in) I can offer the following advice:

    Walls, cameras, barbed wire...if they want to get into your house they will...UNLESS:

    You have at least one good reliable guard dog kept running loose on the property.
    This means that all visitors need to be accompanied from the gate for their own safety. THAT is a good enough dog.

    2. The house is occupied at all times.

    We had at least one 'helper' who was always a trustworthy close relation of the ex. Strict instructions NEVER to open the gate let alone the front door.

    3. Keep a low profile in your neighbourhood. Allow as few locals as possible into your house (tradesmen etc). Deal with them in a businesslike manner and watch them like a hawk. Avoid antagonising any of the locals and never display signs of wealth openly.

    4. CCTV is fine, but an unnecessary expense and distraction IMO.
    I just made my own dummy system complete with little flashing LEDs.
    My most visible camera was actually made from the body of an old car footpump and some bits and pieces of aquarium equipment. Looked the business and cost about tuppence. lol.

    5. Make it harder and more time-consuming for people to get into the house once they're over the walls.

    I lined front and back doors with sheet steel...screwed on, and for night-time had steel bars that dropped across the inside of the doors top and bottom into specially fabricated brackets which were attached using long bolts right through the wall. I put locking bolts into the frame on the hinge side of the doors too. All simple DIY stuff.

    Test everything yourself. If you can get in ANYWHERE using a crowbar, then so can a robber.
    Local locks and padlocks are usually rubbish so take some decent ones from UK.

  4. #4
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    You have at least one good reliable guard dog kept running loose on the property.
    This means that all visitors need to be accompanied from the gate for their own safety. THAT is a good enough dog.

    2. The house is occupied at all times.

    We had at least one 'helper' who was always a trustworthy close relation of the ex. Strict instructions NEVER to open the gate let alone the front door.

    3. Keep a low profile in your neighbourhood. Allow as few locals as possible into your house (tradesmen etc). Deal with them in a businesslike manner and watch them like a hawk. Avoid antagonising any of the locals and never display signs of wealth openly.

    4. CCTV is fine, but an unnecessary expense and distraction IMO.
    I just made my own dummy system complete with little flashing LEDs.
    My most visible camera was actually made from the body of an old car footpump and some bits and pieces of aquarium equipment. Looked the business and cost about tuppence. lol.

    5. Make it harder and more time-consuming for people to get into the house once they're over the walls.

    I lined front and back doors with sheet steel...screwed on, and for night-time had steel bars that dropped across the inside of the doors top and bottom into specially fabricated brackets which were attached using long bolts right through the wall. I put locking bolts into the frame on the hinge side of the doors too. All simple DIY stuff.

    Test everything yourself. If you can get in ANYWHERE using a crowbar, then so can a robber.
    Local locks and padlocks are usually rubbish so take some decent ones from UK.

    I thought Brixton was supposed to be up and coming............

  5. #5
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    I thought Brixton was supposed to be up and coming............
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  6. #6
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    Well Laurel, it was supposed to be a helpful reply which did take a bit of thought.

    Perhaps you have something more constructive than a daft quip to offer.

  7. #7
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Well Laurel, it was supposed to be a helpful reply which did take a bit of thought.

    Perhaps you have something more constructive than a daft quip to offer.
    oops Sorry Graham no offence meant....but it was only a joke,

    I suppose I should have been more thoughtful.

  8. #8
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    God forbid we can't be having daft quip's can we.

    I've been thinking about this as well Steve. We lived in various places in the phils but so far never in a secured, 24hr security compond. At the time though we kept things fairly basic as I was flying out there in my leave and the wife was going to be coming to the UK soon anyway. The neighbours obviously knew about me and I found that as long as we where friendly enough (say hi etc but not bringing them for dinner. That sort of thing) they left us to our own devices. Nieghbours can be helpful if your moving into a new area the same as in the UK.

    I think if it was a more permenant thing then I look at secured compound with the tips Graham gave. I worked with a guy who also installed an electrified fence on top of his 10ft wall. The main problem I have with these secured divisions is the feeling of being closed in. Just having a house on its own in the middle of a plot on a hill somewhere does sounds a lot better to me, but I suppose it depends how safe the area is. I think if we got a house away from a compound arrangement it would need to be close to / same neighbourhood as some family so they could help you out / spread the word to the nieghbours to leave you alone. Otherwise if your in a built up area then for me I think the peice of mind of being in a community with security etc out ways the worries of lying awake at night wondering what that noise was or when your out wondering if all your gear has been nicked.

    Being the rich british bloke that you are you'd obviously as Graham said have some help in the house such as a maid. We are considering using someone related to us from the province (cousin etc) that we think should be more trustworthy than a stranger. Having them in the house should help. This then may allow the buying of a place away from the walled comunities. Bi9ggest problem is you don't want to feel your living in a prison do you?
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  9. #9
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    The house where I carried out the security measures described was on a 'normal' and quite busy road.

    Not at all like a prison because we (including 3 children) could come and go as we pleased...just the baddies who couldn't.

    Even here in England I keep my back and front doors locked when I'm home.

    Next door got ransacked a couple of years ago.

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i dont think i would like to fence myself in, paranoia might set in, besides isnt that just advertising your wealthy and have something worth stealing
    personaly i would rather have nothing just a simple stress free life,
    for me i think part of the attraction is getting away from the rat race we created here

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The house where I carried out the security measures described was on a 'normal' and quite busy road.

    Not at all like a prison because we (including 3 children) could come and go as we pleased...just the baddies who couldn't.

    Even here in England I keep my back and front doors locked when I'm home.

    Next door got ransacked a couple of years ago.
    i know where i live now many times iv gone out and left my door unlocked, i never worried if i had been robbed,

    infact the worst thing that ever happened was a young yummy woman walked in drunk one evenning walked past me and up the stairs then she got in my bed lol

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    The locals will perceive you that way whether you like it or not Stewart.

  13. #13
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    Living away from other people is a very un-Filipino concept, I fancy.

    My tally woud be - apartment in Paranaque (not very safe!) gated community, high rise apartment in downtown Makati (certainly the safest!), subdivision in small town*, gated community.

    Kay has more than once pointed out a remote house and remarked "That would do for you, but not for me!"

    * My ex had some interesting connections. This was very safe.

  14. #14
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    looks like i will be living among the locals

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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    looks like i will be living among the locals
    Make yourself right at home.


  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    all sound advice so far, look we are not stupid, i dont leave my doors open at all here, locked all the time, Ems sister has a new built home but no space at all, yes maybe buy a bigger plot so you can have the space you want but have to remember the fees you pay for gated place, i am not looking to be alone miles from anyone, but i want a view and about 1000 sq mtrs, build my own or get one built, so many things to think about

  17. #17
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Well Steve, you have seen my place and seen the community around us. We are lucky to have good friends a stone's throw away. We have now got influential friends in the town and i feel safe there, Charie and our family feel safe there too, and that gives me peace of mind when I am here. I think it all depends on your projected lifestyle Steve, what is going to make you feel comfortable.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  18. #18
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    steve, i have told you, you live in paradise, the views you have and so near everything but also far from the crowds too, i have not gone off the idea of the lots near you, naighbour

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Make yourself right at home.

    thats more like it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, living

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    where do you think is best , a gated house wth the use of a pool and oter things a gaurd at the front gate and yes a fee to pay all year round, or your own place not to far away from folk, but not gated,
    "IN THE HILLS" sounds great but what kind of real security are you going to have there ?

    Many people will tell you that its fine but i have seen too many people taken out just trying to
    live a normal life over there living in a secure pinoy barangay
    security in most barangays is one guy on the gate as you enter (not safe enough for a kanu)
    its the people living inside the barangay that will steal from you or even harm you

    24 hour security is a must with patrolling guards (not just one guy on the gate)

    DMCI have many developments in and around manila are they are what i call secure

    monthly dues were around 2000 a month but thats a little price to pay for DECENT security

    of course many gf's will tell you that its fine and safe in their area, it is for them not so for you

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    seems like dogs and family are the best, just like it was here a few years back, no house dogs like here, the dog was chained up near the back door, it knew all the family but anyone that tried to get round the back, wow betide them,

  22. #22
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    24 hour security is a must with patrolling guards (not just one guy on the gate)
    I don't have that and feel perfectly safe. Maybe you have a lot to worry about if you stroll around flashing your wares.

    If you treat your neigbours as people not underlings, you will be part of the community like I am.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I don't have that and feel perfectly safe. Maybe you have a lot to worry about if you stroll around flashing your wares.

    If you treat your neigbours as people not underlings, you will be part of the community like I am.
    its just my personal opinion

    Many do live in these places and seem very happy with it but thats not for me

    Every barangay has their "local idiots" and i dont want to be the "sitting duck" just around the corner from them

    You can treat your neighbours with respect of course but you will not be able to know everyone living there

    I never wanted to turn my place into a fortress also

  24. #24
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    I've been reading this thread with great interest.
    We're reasonable close to a time when we will move over to the paradise islands.

    I've been travelling regularly to the phils for over 10 years and have always been thinking about what security level is needed when I finally make the move.

    So far I can honestly say I haven't yet decided.
    Condo living is not in my thinking.

    "Living in the hills"? well if that means remote then that's not for me either. Not at my age. I already witnessed harrowing experiences of when it's difficult to reach a good medical facility. I posted on that already. If I need to get to a hospital in an emergency then I need to be with a highly reliable drive from a good hospital

    Somewhere in between is fine I think.

    So probably it all comes down to where you live. Location, location location.
    But, you know what....... my daughter and my extended family DO have REAL concerns about safety and security for me.
    The white guy always has something valuable. So many people have been damaged for their mobile phone or "shiny" watch.
    Yep even the locals, watch the news guys.

    Personally I always say, nah, It'll be OK

    But will it?
    Do us white guys really need to take extra care when living there?

    Certainly in Marikina in the immediate location of my house, it's rather quite and all the neighbours know me very well and always look out for me. It's very easy to spot an "outsider."
    Just I don't want to live out the rest of my life in Marikina.

    But interesting thread, keep the ideas coming

    Thanks to all those who contributed so far

  25. #25
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    First house in the province, not a bad gaff apart from the 48hr brown outs. When we wheren't there one of the brothers lived in it to keep an eye on it. Trouble is it uased to take about 5 hours to get to Tacloban. Organise banka boat, walk to main road, wait for bus, 1 hourride on bus. All just to get to town!! Our new place is better but still in the middle of nowhere. There are no roads to the villages where we have our "holiday" home. Its banka boats or a 1 hour walk through the jungle / rice farms.
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  26. #26
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well where ever it is it will be home,

  27. #27
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    First house in the province, not a bad gaff apart from the 48hr brown outs. When we wheren't there one of the brothers lived in it to keep an eye on it.
    amazing thats just what i want, but with a container round the back covered by bamboo, just for security

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    ....Every barangay has their "local idiots" and i dont want to be the "sitting duck" just around the corner from them ...
    Now this is very true.
    Not to be over dramatic, but as far as my 10 years experience goes, there is an "official" in every barangay who has an "official" firearm. To own and to carry.
    I include members of my own extended family (also barangay officials).

    There are some things that beggar belief.

  29. #29
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    As forigners we're always going to attact attention its as simple as that. When out and about its like alot of other countries, make sure you're not displaying overt signs of wealth. I personally don't see any reason why you shouldn't have nice stuff inside your home (big tv, hi-fi, furniture etc) I think a dog, good quality windows and doors with locks, 10ft wall with crap covered barbed wire on top and a spikey gate should do it.
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  30. #30
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    As forigners we're always going to attact attention its as simple as that. When out and about its like alot of other countries, make sure you're not displaying overt signs of wealth. I personally don't see any reason why you shouldn't have nice stuff inside your home (big tv, hi-fi, furniture etc) I think a dog, good quality windows and doors with locks, 10ft wall with crap covered barbed wire on top and a spikey gate should do it.
    and thats just ashby

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