Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Hi again. A great big SALAMAT to everyone who has written to me here. I am quite overwhelmed to have 12 responses in just 24 hours.
A lot of the replies have made me smile, laugh etc....I think I am going to like it here!
Joe - I teach mainly English, Maths and Languages. I have my own Education Centre. Have a look at my website. (BTW - Toxteth is a village on Negros ain't it???)
Mrs Daddy, Singkit, Silver13, Mach, Louella and Iain - thank you for your good wishes.
Finally - Tonet - I really don't know what you mean about your Avatar!!!!! Am I missing something? (Hmmmmm - must buy some books.)

God bless you all.

wow, i missed this post, you have your own education centre , and teach english and maths, well how about trying the impossible and educate a scouser , hes good at maths, but english and manners he is lacking in, as well as the art of being tact, (def scouser keith - tact n. Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.)