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Thread: Visitor visa query

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) the_ONE's Avatar
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    Visitor visa query

    I have read through some of the past postings regarding UK Visitor Visas and the general difficulties many have in submitting a successful application. As I understand it, the principal difficulty seems to be convincing the officer responsible that the applicant has a sufficiently compelling reason to return home. Evidence of owning a business or being in employment (with leave granted by an employer) seems to be the main suggested justifications needed.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience of applying in other circumstances, such as for those in university education. Would for example, a student registered in a Philippines University be likely to be successful in applying for a Visitor Visa if they wished to travel to the UK during their vacation period. Would University documentation or fees payment receipts be regarded as sufficient evidence of a reason to return home?

    Reason I am asking is I would very much like my girlfriend to visit here for a vacation, meeting family etc. I have visited her several times and would happily do so again if there is no possibility she can visit the UK. We are not planning to apply for a settlement visa at the present time as she is still completing her studies there at present. I can supply any other evidence / funds as necessary.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Visitor Visa's are always difficult to predict.
    I advise everyone the same, with the low cost it's just got to be worth the effort.
    If you are the sponsor, then write a great supporting letter and submit evidence such as bank statements and pay slips etc. together with accommodation details.

    Your g/f should also just supply all the good stuff she can.
    I think your idea about submitting University documention and fees etc is also worth a try.

    In many ways it seem like a lottery. You need to be able to convince the ECO and give them a comfortable feeling. Basically it's down to what opinions they form and how convinced they are. Solely discretionary.
    But their number one priority is to be comfortable with a decision that says, the applicant will return.

    Please do try.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Terpe is right, there seems to be no continuity with the visitor visa applications.
    Our application was refused on the grounds of having no reason to return. This was despite having a letter from Niechel's employer stating they would keep her job for her albeit without pay for the extended visit. Another negative was that it was early in our relationship (3months) that we applied for the visa.
    In your favour is that you have visited your girl friend in the Philippines and several times too.
    If I were you I would apply for it, the fee is modest so you have far more to gain than you have to lose.
    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    Good luck mate.
    Visitor visas can be easy to apply for if she has close family here.

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Well, I was granted for a visit visa last year using school as well as the the factor that I got daughter in the PI. That is the link of my experience.

    If you need more questions then dont hesitate to send me a message, Ill help as much as I can.

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