other ideas to make up any shortfall,

pay for trips to phil by credit cards, to visit your lady ,and the wedding, dont pay cash put it in bank instead , how long do most guys spend before they can bring their spouse here anyway a year maybe 2 years for some, use that time , if you need a new car get a loan dont pay cash , put the cash in savings,
yes ok going into debt, but you have the cash there in the bank incase of emergency, make cut backs on your spending to pay the car loan,, credit card, you will be earning at the same time to pay these,
its not as bad as it looks because you didnt pay cash for flights or the car , its in the bank instead,
theres no harm in calculating if you can manage to do this safely
credit card balances can be transfrerd to 0% offers
its just an idea, im not encourging anyone to get in debt

none of the above is a loan for the UKBA £16000.