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Thread: Can I cancel my wife's dependant visa?

  1. #1
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    Can I cancel my wife's dependant visa?

    Hi guys! I really need your advise on this situation. My wife and I are not in good terms at the moment. It all started when my wife have been making stories like, I and my sister have relationship with each other and that we have had S*X together. What the heck she have come up with these stories? The sad thing is that she even told this to my closest friend who is in the UK. After the marriage, she changed a lot, she became so jealous to my sister and to my close friends. And now, she is in the UK staying on to her friend's house. We talked this morning about the problem and she insisted that there's nothing wrong between us! How ridiculous is that?
    She even visited me on my workplace and I told her that we can't live together if she doesn't changed her attitude. She is not the girl I used to know before.
    Now, she is insisting that I need to find a job for her because she's my dependant and that I need to accommodate her. I'm planning to tell this to the Home office but I don't know how. Your advise guys is much appreciated.

    ~ Mike

  2. #2
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    Well Mike, firstly I would say try to discuss together and resolve the differences to save the marriage.
    You both entered into this marriage.
    We all understand that mixed cultural marriages sometimes needs extra care for communication and understanding.

    But anyway, turning to your question.
    UKBA is the ONLY one permitted to curtail leave in UK.
    If your wife is ILR status nothing to be done about that she can stay in UK.Period.
    If your wife is FLR you are free to write a letter to the Home Office and inform them that you no longer live together as husband and wife and you will not be signing any declaration for ILR.

    UKBA may or may not curtail her leave. But she will not be able to renew her spouse visa.
    She may actually file an application for a visa in another category to which you will not have any input, but that would be her only legal course of action. Well apart from leaving UK and going home.

    Think carefully about your relationship. About the why's and wherefor's and about your own motivation also.

  3. #3
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear your relationship is not working out now.

    I agree with the comments above from Terpe and see if you can work things out.

    If not, here is the details from the UKBA website regarding your situation.

  4. #4
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    Hi Terpe

    Thanks for your advise. The thing is, she doesn't want to accept her mistakes where all these things started. She always pretend that nothing is wrong between us, as if she didn't say anything bad to my family especially to me and to my sister. Good thing she's still on FLR, but what would be my course of action if she insisted to come to my accomodation? I don't want to accommodate her at the moment as long as this issue hasn't been resolved yet because it might just cause trouble between us. Is it possible to ask some assistance to the police officers if she's bothering me especially on my workplace? I would not write any letter yet to the Home office as I'm looking forward to resolving this issue with her. Well, I'm hoping so.
    Thanks lot!


  5. #5
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    Hi Rusty

    Thanks for your help mate. I'm still hoping this will be resolved between us.

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    (quote) My wife and I are not in good terms at the moment.

    at the moment, if thats the case dont do anything rash yet, i agree with the advice you have already been given

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi Imagine

    This problem started since March this year and still it hasn't resolved yet. I'm taking all your advices and I'm hoping that this can be resolved.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member
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    Hi Mike.

    Are you British or Filipino ?

    ...Just that your writing style is distinctly Filipino.

  9. #9
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    Don't take this the wrong way Hertz_81 but I find this all very bizarre. I'd see if you can get her to go with you to Relate for some counselling rather than think in terms of dobbing her in to the UKBA . Is British English your mother tongue ?

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi Grahamw48

    Filipino here.

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi Dedworth

    Filipino here. Well thanks for giving me the website.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by hertz_81 View Post
    Hi Dedworth

    Filipino here. Well thanks for giving me the website.
    Good luck !

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