Gt a response from UK VACS.
Just thought i would post it, in case someone is in the same situation.
The Birth Certificate of your wife’s children with typographical error will be accepted if you prefer not to amend it which will take two more months. You may attach a notarized affidavit of correction for each of the children’s birth certificate. If you need further assistance you may also call our call centre from any of the following numbers:
For PLDT/Smart/Touchcard Subscribers: 1-909-858-4727 or 1-909-UKVISAS
For Globe/Innove/Touchmobile Subscribers: 1-900-858-4727 or 1-900-UKVISAS
For Bayantel Subscribers: 1-903-858-4727 or 1-903-UKVISAS
This service is available nationwide through NDD-enable telephones, Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm, Saturdays 8:00am to 6:00pm. For applicants or sponsors calling from outside the Philippines can call on +632 884 2661.
Yours truly,