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Thread: Revisiting RP from UK

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    My Girl currently lives in Morocco, and intends to apply for her uk fiancee visa from there where as a lot of you guys suggested is a lot less hassle. My question is, if in the future we travel to RP from UK to visit her parents/ have our marriage blessed, will she then have to go through the CFO process before she's allowed back out of the country ????
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  2. #2

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    Originally posted by Irelandken@Sep 15 2005, 09:45 PM
    My Girl currently lives in Morocco, and intends to apply for her uk fiancee visa from there where as a lot of you guys suggested is a lot less hassle. My question is, if in the future we travel to RP from UK to visit her parents/ have our marriage blessed, will she then have to go through the CFO process before she's allowed back out of the country ????
    Hmmm. Good question. Answer is maybe. I don't know for certain.

    However, philippine emigration, out of pure spite or jealousy, and the thorough ignorance of the law, and the rule of law, which is a requirement for them to hold their post, could decide to make it difficult for you, whether they're allowed to or not. Essentially, it's possible, because the only law in the Philippines seems to be the one the official you're in front of decides to try and force upon you, combined with whatever bribe he wants you to pay for him to ignore it.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Sep 15 2005, 11:09 PM
    Hmmm. Good question. Answer is maybe. I don't know for certain.

    However, philippine emigration, out of pure spite or jealousy, and the thorough ignorance of the law, and the rule of law, which is a requirement for them to hold their post, could decide to make it difficult for you, whether they're allowed to or not. Essentially, it's possible, because the only law in the Philippines seems to be the one the official you're in front of decides to try and force upon you, combined with whatever bribe he wants you to pay for him to ignore it.
    A little tip for dealing with those sort of official prats is to ask their name and position before they go too far into the arrogant treatment, and tell them lightly "Oh, it is just in case I need to take this any further"

    The trouble is trying to calculate the fine line between him 'showing off', and him being downright obstructive. Don't waste your breath arguing with Mr Retard, ask to see his boss or head of department right away. I've never paid a bribe at the airport, going in or out, nor my wife, and it seems Filipinos will do it because it is traditional to grovel to authority.

    First time my wife left with me she was real worried about having 'show money' at the airport, which is basically an unoffical test that you have enough money to support yourself overseas. Of course, the official also wants a piece of the action with the show money, a small 'gift' of your appreciation. I told her she's not showing any money and if anybody asks then demand to see the boss. She was never asked, on that trip or the several others she has done in and out. They can smell fear, or nervousness, like street thieves.

    There is a lot of 'urban legend' about the drama at immigration, such as the one where you can't leave the Philippines if you have tattoos. The times I've heard that one I'm covered in them, and my wife has three on her back, and neither of us has ever been strip searched or interogated at immigration. In fact one official asked to see more of mine, thought they were great

    Bringing things in through customs is like xmas every day for the clowns that run it. I once brough a sheet 1' x 3' of aluminium from work, to use on the car I was building. Numbnuts tells me "Oh, there is duty on aluminium, but only about 1000 pesos". "Hah", says I, laughing, "for that price I'll throw the allo in the rubbish bin".
    They let me through with it no problems.

    All those pissant officials are like vultures, sharks, preying on the weak or unknowing, the nervous and the unprepared The secret is to be prepared, know the facts, act nonchalant, uncaring, don't get aggravated B)

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There is a lot of 'urban legend' about the drama at immigration, such as the one where you can't leave the Philippines if you have tattoos. The times I've heard that one I'm covered in them, and my wife has three on her back, and neither of us has ever been strip searched or interogated at immigration. we're letting YOUR type into the country.... :lol: :lol:

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