Hello wandacat,

This is Andy Nisbet.

Just for your information,I was NEVER,AT ANY TIME,a partner of Peter,not then,not now. I was simply an agent who collected boxes,then gave them to Peter so get your facts straight. I have tried to help then,the same as I do now,to get answers and information for people. I have been getting texts and emails from people telling me that their boxes have been getting delivered,ours included in Negros,just recently. That is the problem with forums,people post something,even falsely,rumours and such like,and people believe them. I can supply you with FACTS,in emails,which will show you or anyone the scale of the problem with corruption in customs if you or anyone else is willing to have an open mind. ALL BOXES sent through Peter's company were delivered with no problem up until November 2011,until the scale of the embezzlement became clear in the Philippines. I myself have spoke to Brian in B+M Lilley,who paid for the release of the container in Manila and informed him of the problems faced by Peter and Yonne. Molten,the reason that no-one has got anywhere with Police,Trading Standards,or Solicitors is quite simple. As a legal trading company,EVERYONE signed an invoice with the company who was sending a box or other item. EVERYONE signed the invoice and in 1/ It states,"the company is not liable for any loss,delay,or other caused by any circumstances beyone control". I myself have been contacted by a reporter from the Glasgow Evening Times(Mattie Sutton-0141 302 6580). I sent her all the emails that I received from Peter and Yonne,showing the problems with customs and such like). If anyone wishes to post their email address here I will gladly send them the same emails to let you see the scale of corruption,and why there were delays. In spite of trying to help people,some people have instead preferred to threaten,abuse,and use insulting language,which gets no-one anywhere.