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Thread: Relocating to London: Need your inputs

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Caleb, I get the feeling you are joshing me

    Please inform me which field of geophysics do you specialise in ore detection, hydrocarbon exploration or geotechnical characterization ?

    How did you secure a position in that field ? Especially as that is not included in the UK employment shortage listing.

    Do you know Graeme, Rachel or Ruffo (Pinoy) at your London Office?

  2. #2
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    Kinda funny Terpe but I do not want to waste my time nor anyone's time in here asking questions which I wont benefit at all.

    I have a non-disclosure agreement with regard to the job that I am doing so if you are really interested to know, we can meet when I get there.

    As I have mentioned a while ago, I have been in my post for a considerable time and I am relocating only because I want it and the project required it too.

    For those guys, they don't ring a belle except for Rachel as it is kinda universal name, I am working with thousands of people and I am just a speck in our organization so there is a small chance for me to know everyone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Caleb, I get the feeling you are joshing me

    Please inform me which field of geophysics do you specialise in ore detection, hydrocarbon exploration or geotechnical characterization ?

    How did you secure a position in that field ? Especially as that is not included in the UK employment shortage listing.

    Do you know Graeme, Rachel or Ruffo (Pinoy) at your London Office?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb0718 View Post
    .... I am just a speck in our organization so there is a small chance for me to know everyone.
    Kinda funny Caleb, that you don't recognise the CEO of your company.
    Kinda funny that you don't want to tell me your specialist field ( as UKBA demand it)
    Kinda funny that you don't want to help with your sponsorship points.
    Kinda funny that you never answer any direct questions.

    What do you really want Caleb Nathan?
    Why do you feel we should take you seriously and help you? when you obviously don't want to help us?

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

  4. #4
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    Sorry but I guess you are talking about a different company as our CEO is not a Filipino.
    If you are familiar with the Non-disclosure agreement which I believe you are as I suppose you are in the Executive Management Level, you should understand why I am limiting the information I am giving.
    Am I getting you right? I am not helping with my sponsorship points? It is funny indeed,,
    Direct Questions? as I said I am filtering the information I am giving and I have a reason for that.

    What help do you need? You have to respect someone if you are in any case asking for help, just like me, if no one want to answer me then I should not go mad because I am only asking for guidance,, if no one wants to answer me I have to respect it.

    I am not here to start a useless conversation, let us be professional and act accordingly. I have been into multiple countries with huge Pinoy groups and your attitude towards me is surprising, wowwww.. does not make it more fun in Philippnes sigh
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Kinda funny Caleb, that you don't recognise the CEO of your company.
    Kinda funny that you don't want to tell me your specialist field ( as UKBA demand it)
    Kinda funny that you don't want to help with your sponsorship points.
    Kinda funny that you never answer any direct questions.

    What do you really want Caleb Nathan?
    Why do you feel we should take you seriously and help you? when you obviously don't want to help us?

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

  5. #5
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb0718 View Post
    If you are familiar with the Non-disclosure agreement which I believe you are as I suppose you are in the Executive Management Level, you should understand why I am limiting the information I am giving.
    But hang on Nathan..... didn't you already breech that by trying to impress us with a disclosed salary of £80,000 + If you want expert help, open up.... what are we gonna do? tell on you for talking about your company ?? You have a strange outlook.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Caleb, I get the feeling you are joshing me

    Please inform me which field of geophysics do you specialise in ore detection, hydrocarbon exploration or geotechnical characterization ?

    How did you secure a position in that field ? Especially as that is not included in the UK employment shortage listing.

    Do you know Graeme, Rachel or Ruffo (Pinoy) at your London Office?
    Mining Geophysics. So that will be ore detection. Rather than hydrocarbons.

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