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Thread: Help Quickly Please

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  1. #1
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    Help Quickly Please

    Hi Everyone,
    Am in need of help, I married in Manila this year and when I came back I started saving for a Visa for my wife, but I ended up losing my job and on top of that had I car accident which has now left me in a wheelchair, I didn't get no claim as it was a hit and run and now am on Benefits, also I suffer from memory lost also.
    I tried to get back to work but with my memory lost, I forgot what I so doing all the time, So now the Doctors have said I will never hold a job due to this.
    My main problem now also is, without a Job, a steady income, no savings and the new change of law the government have brought in, I cant see how I can bring my wife to England.
    Can somebody please help me I have read many website but nothing helps.

    Many Thanks


  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Hi Glen,welcome to the forum
    I think if you are on disability and benefits you will not require a minimum income threshold (£18,600), dont lose hope there is still chance for your wife to get a spouse settlement visa.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
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    Thank you so much for your reply, how would I go about getting a spouse settlement visa and what would roughly be the costs

    Thank you

  4. #4
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    Great thats Brilliant news yes I receive DLA, were can I read about this.

    Thank You

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methos View Post
    Hi Everyone,
    Am in need of help, I married in Manila this year and when I came back I started saving for a Visa for my wife, but I ended up losing my job and on top of that had I car accident which has now left me in a wheelchair, I didn't get no claim as it was a hit and run and now am on Benefits, also I suffer from memory lost also.
    I tried to get back to work but with my memory lost, I forgot what I so doing all the time, So now the Doctors have said I will never hold a job due to this.
    My main problem now also is, without a Job, a steady income, no savings and the new change of law the government have brought in, I cant see how I can bring my wife to England.
    Can somebody please help me I have read many website but nothing helps.

    Many Thanks

    Dont worry!...if you are registered disabled and successfully claiming DLA ( disability living allowance), you are not subject to the changes in the new British immigration laws which came into force July 9 2012.

    Welcome Glen

  6. #6
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    gWaPito ans sars
    Thank you So So Much, I have read this on the Government website and has really given me hope.
    My next problem is to find away to show I can support my wife without Public Funding, as I used my savings on treatments after my accident.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methos View Post
    gWaPito ans sars
    Thank you So So Much, I have read this on the Government website and has really given me hope.
    My next problem is to find away to show I can support my wife without Public Funding, as I used my savings on treatments after my accident.
    Glen'...this is where im a bit clueless Your best bet is to look out for members Terpe and Joe...Terpe is on here mainly during non silly hours and Joe the opposite...they are on almost everyday so, dont give up.

    I wish you sure, now im thinking about it, you are not under the same financial restrictions as the able bodied..I could be wrong, it has been known

  8. #8
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    Thank you, they put me on Lower Rate, am not sure fully what the difference is but that is that am on

  9. #9
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methos View Post
    Thank you, they put me on Lower Rate, am not sure fully what the difference is but that is that am on
    you have as much chance as anyone else, possibly more, so keep comming here for advise,
    have no doubt this is the best forum you have been lucky enough to find,
    gather up all the information you can on requirments applicable to your circumstances,
    and ask of anything your not sure of or dont understand,
    there is already some quite good informative post here to read on the forum,

    oh and welcome to the forum

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  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    am i wrong ?

  12. #12
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    No mate...nowt to do with your post.
    I just started to get a funny feeling about something.

    Oh, and thanks by the way.

  13. #13
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    No mate...nowt to do with your post.
    I just started to get a funny feeling about something.

    Oh, and thanks by the way.
    something beginning with T by any chance

  14. #14
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    Thank you again people, this is by far the best site for info I have found, I did find another but didn't write it down to remind me of it ,
    I will carry on coming back here as I set it as my homepage so I don't forget.
    Thanks for all the advice

  15. #15
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    I suggest you read this new forum thread All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa

    Follow all the links provided.

    There's a good possibility you might fall under UKBA 'Exemptions' for the Financial Requirement, however all other requirements would need to be met.

    Here's what UKBA say about that:-

    You will be exempt from the new financial requirement if your sponsor receives a specified disability-related benefit or carer's allowance in the UK.
    You will need to show that your sponsor can maintain and accommodate you without access to public funds. In principle (and only as a rough guide) this will use Income Support Rate and disposable as guide to adequate financial status.
    However, no reliance on promises of third party support will be permitted.

    Where the applicant’s partner is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or any of the following disability-related benefits in the UK, the applicant is exempt from the new financial requirement in respect of that application stage:

    - Disability Living Allowance.

    - Severe Disablement Allowance.

    - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.

    - Attendance Allowance.

    The applicant will need to submit evidence of the exemption by provision of:-

    - Official documentation from HMRC confirming the applicant’s partner’s entitlement and the amount received.

    - At least one bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into an account in the name of the applicant’s partner.

    The new financial requirement will apply at the next application stage if the applicant does not remain exempt from it.

    Not wanting to throw a spanner in the works, please do be aware this government plans to further implement welfare reforms.

    The introduction of Personal Independence Payment from April 2013 and the roll-out of Universal Credit from October 2013 may or may not impact your position, but you should think carefully about the potential implications.
    In principle these changes could mean that those applicants sponsored by a person in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance who meets current exemptions from the financial requirement from 9 July 2012 cannot expect that they will necessarily remain exempt from April 2013

  16. #16
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    Thanks Terpe, Will have a read of it now, Thank you for the help

  17. #17
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi Methos and welcome to our forum.
    Firstly sorry about your bad luck and I hope with the great advice you get from some of experts here that it wont be long before things start to work out for you and your wife is able to join you.
    I'm a little curious as to how you maintain you cannot get compensation for your accident. From my previous experience although many years ago in the Motor Claims world you should have been advised that your were entitled to make a claim from the Motor Insurers Bureau. The MIB was set up many years ago to help people in your situation and I find it somewhat strange that neither your insurers or brokers have advised you of this.
    I attach a link for their site and would suggest you make some sort of contact immediately.

  18. #18
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    Hi Bigmarco,
    All I was told was cos it was a hit and run and I didn't get the car drivers details, I wouldn't get compensation, my car insurance company "Morethan"
    My friend called them on my behalf and had the phone on Speaker and what I recall that is what they said to me due to it being a hit and run I didn't get the car drivers details, I wouldn't get compensation ? I called my Friend whom called them and he also said the same.

  19. #19
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methos View Post
    Hi Bigmarco,
    All I was told was cos it was a hit and run and I didn't get the car drivers details, I wouldn't get compensation, my car insurance company "Morethan"
    My friend called them on my behalf and had the phone on Speaker and what I recall that is what they said to me due to it being a hit and run I didn't get the car drivers details, I wouldn't get compensation ? I called my Friend whom called them and he also said the same.
    Hi Methos I think your listening to the wrong people. I sent you the link to the MIB and suggest you take a read. It shows that anyone seriously injured as a result of a Hit and run is entitled to claim compensation. The fact that you are telling us you are now in a wheelchair would indicate you fall into this category. I suggest it would do no harm to contact them and get a claim form. I would imagine you will have no problem gettting a Police report to substantiate your version of events.
    Good luck.

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