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Thread: Immigration Bureau to fine airlines for tourists without return tickets

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Immigration Bureau to fine airlines for tourists without return tickets

    Airlines will be penalized with administrative fines by the Bureau of Immigration if they allow foreign tourists bound for the Philippines to board their planes without return tickets.

    BI Commissioner Ricardo David Jr. noted that it should be the responsibility of the airlines to make sure that all its passengers who are traveling as tourists have procured the necessary return tickets.


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Thanks, that one is well worth passing on.

  3. #3
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    Hmm, wonder what the detail on that return ticket validity is.

    Does it now mean that the return ticket should be within 21 days? Or existing visa validity?
    Maybe just the existence of onward travel is still OK.
    Better do some further checking what's behind and how it will be implemented.

  4. #4
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    I'd assumed they were already doing this...since it has been a well-publicised requirement for years.

    I would imagine that an onward ticket will still be fine, as they're presumably only concerned that you LEAVE. Can't see why WHERE you go would be of any interest.

  5. #5
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    This is appears to have been over looked or misread.

    Likewise, BI spokesperson Atty. Ma. Antonette Mangrobang, explained that under Sec. 29 of the immigration act, aliens who arrived as tourists but do not have valid return or onward tickets shall be automatically excluded.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtilly View Post
    This is appears to have been over looked or misread.

    Likewise, BI spokesperson Atty. Ma. Antonette Mangrobang, explained that under Sec. 29 of the immigration act, aliens who arrived as tourists but do not have valid return or onward tickets shall be automatically excluded.
    I'm not too sure but I don't recall that fines were previously applied:-

    "Airlines will be penalized with administrative fines by the Bureau of Immigration if they allow foreign tourists bound for the Philippines to board their planes without return tickets.
    It appears that these "administrative fines" are an additional penalty.

    I don't want to sound so negative but when such finances are involved I like to know the details of whats allowed and what's not.

    So what exactly is "a valid return or onward ticket" from now on? Datewise?
    Can a tourist without a visa present a return/onward ticket for one year on?
    Up to now it's always been yes.

    Or are the new changes only about those who arrive without any return/onward ticket at all and then invoke additional monetary penalties onto the airlines? Which I believe the announcement to be about.

    Just asking

  7. #7
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    I agree, that is an important question.

    Previously I've had no problem entering on the visa waiver scheme, but with an 'open' year's validity ticket...because of course I was intending to extend my stay later by applying for visa extensions.

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