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Thread: Hiv/aids

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  1. #1
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    It’s over a year since my last update on AIDS – now closed. Joebloggs gives two interesting links in his thread elsewhere ( ).
    P 400 million ( over 6 million GBP ) would be a useful start to prevent and control HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, not just OFWs ( ). Congressman Ty wants mandatory testing for HIV in OFWs, not just those with other sexually transmitted infections, claiming that they represent 20% of all HIV cases, and 10% of new HIV cases. This is based on a figure of the country’s “ total 9,669 HIV cases “.
    That to my mind is an improbably precise and low number. We don’t know the true number with HIV/AIDS in the world ( estimated over 30 million, ¾ in Africa, only half knowing their HIV status ). In the UK the estimate is up to 100,000 ( a quarter of which don’t know their status ), around half heterosexual, 40% gay men, and the rest mainly drug abusers.
    The other article ( ) comments that “ many people hide the fact that they are infected or even avoid testing outright …. because of the stigma “. This is very unfortunate for several reasons. I suspect the actual number of HIV/AIDS is FAR higher than the figure quoted. The proportions of heterosexual, homosexual, and drug abuse cases may well be similar to those in the UK.
    It’s time to remove the stigma from HIV/AIDS. In fact the risk of contracting other blood-borne infections such as hepatitis B and C are far higher than HIV/AIDS ( a ratio of 30: 3: 0.3 with needle-stick injuries ).
    Prevention ( use of condoms, less promiscuous sex, male circumcision ), and by drugs, can be effective. There is no vaccine ( but 1/1000 develop natural immunity, so it’s a future possibility ). AIDS/HIV is incurable, but cheaper, more effective drugs taken for life mean much longer survival. Probably less than half of those infected with HIV take drugs. In the UK, it costs the NHS about 7000 GBP /year to treat each HIV/AIDS patient ( 300,000 GBP over their lifetime ).
    The solutions to HIV/AIDS are straightforward – * remove the shame and fear, * prevention, * accurate diagnosis ( clinical and blood testing ), and * daily treatment of cases with one-pill combination drugs. This requires a change in attitudes, culture, and resources. The last is the most difficult for the Philippines . Help might be available from the billions of dollars donated by the Global Fund ( to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ) and others.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    excellent post doc Alan

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    excellent post doc Alan

    I remember when in the 80's Aids was the only thing people were talking about. Anyone infected was treated like a leper and shunned. I think times have changed a little and people are not so 'scared' these days. But, with people being less fearful, they are also less fearful of contracting it, which of course is the problem.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    I have reservations about the rather quaint old notion that seafarers are at higher risk of STDs than other classes of OCW.

    Seafarers don't get much chance of a "run ashore" these days, as their ships turn round in port very quickly, and you won't find much of a red light district in a container terminal, an oil refinery or a steelworks.

    Furthermore, seafarers tend to be well aware of the risks.

    Shore based contract workers are at higher risk - they have far more opportunities - and the one group who are at extremely high risk are female "entertainers", as supplied in huge numbers (100,000 annually to Japan alone!) to red light districts across the world.

  5. #5
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    Thank you for your responses . I realise that too much information can turn people away from reading a thread, which is why “ prevention … by drugs “ was only mentioned once. People don’t like taking medicines, especially if they have no symptoms – although statins ( for raised cholesterol ) and drugs for high blood pressure are widely prescribed.
    The idea of taking drugs to protect uninfected people against HIV is new, and – considering less than half of people positive for HIV actually take drugs for various reasons – controversial. However, the FDA ( U.S. Food and Drug Administration ) has just approved “ Truvada “ – a once –a-day, one-pill combination of two drugs – to help people at high risk to avoid infection with HIV ( ).
    This is called pre-exposure prophylaxis ( PreP ) - which may work particularly in two groups :-
    • heterosexual couples in which only one is HIV positive , and
    • HIV negative men having high risk sex with men.
    In the real world, it’s not known whether people taking this drug will also take more risks – like sex without condoms, or having multiple sex partners. They might also not take the pill every day, running the risk of drug resistance and new infections. As always, cost is a major consideration. “ Truvada “ costs over $1000 a month for each person. A newer drug, combining “Truvada “ with another drug in one pill a day, costs about $ 25,000 per HIV positive patient, per year. The “ business of HIV “ is covered in The Economist ( ) from last month. It concludes :- “ Meanwhile, the world waits for a cure “ . I could add “ and also a vaccine “ .

  6. #6
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    As we all know about the swear disease like HIV & AIDS is the most dangerous diseases all around the world.And the people who serve in that kind of diseases in a very critical condition and become weak day by day because their immune system is fully disturbed also.only medicine gave relief from these kind of diseases and.

  7. #7
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macalim View Post
    As we all know about the swear disease like HIV & AIDS is the most dangerous diseases all around the world.And the people who serve in that kind of diseases in a very critical condition and become weak day by day because their immune system is fully disturbed also.only medicine gave relief from these kind of diseases and.
    Funny, that is exactly what you said last time but under a different name you idiot bye bye
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  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    maybe he's going to start spamming drugs, Indian law allow its drug companies to make generic versions of drugs.

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