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Thread: Labour back gay marriage in church

  1. #1
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    Labour back gay marriage in church

    '' Ed Miliband last night said gay couples should be allowed to marry in church.'' goes on '' Gay couples can already enter a civil partnership, which can be carried out in church and gives them many of the rights of marriage.''

    This will be forced upon us just EU membership

    Guess we all gotta bite the pillow..just like the unfortunate Norman Scott.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    ''Colin Hart, of the coalition for marriage said poll after poll shows the majority of the public oppose these changes. Voters have not had the opportunity to have their say and even within the gay community it is not a priority.''
    ... 'fraid with the majority on this one; it simply ain't normal.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    It's something that I'm neither for nor against. If the church want to do it fine by me.
    I just wanted to post because I love the fact that in support of their stance against Milliband they quote an organisation called "The Coalition For Marriage"
    Who actually sets up an organisation calling itself " The Coalition For Marriage".
    Anybody out there interested in joining the "Coalition For Marrying Filipina Women" membership is £25 a month.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    It's something that I'm neither for nor against. If the church want to do it fine by me.
    I just wanted to post because I love the fact that in support of their stance against Milliband they quote an organisation called "The Coalition For Marriage"
    Who actually sets up an organisation calling itself " The Coalition For Marriage".
    Anybody out there interested in joining the "Coalition For Marrying Filipina Women" membership is £25 a month.
    Yeah..I'll vote for being Banker...note capital B and not W as a couple of our friends wld have me down for

    I'm with Arthur on this...nothing against it..some of my best friends are that way inclined.

    They are able to have a civil ceremony in a church...but going through God's act of getting married in a church is going too far.

    Would be like a black guy gatecrashing a KKK convention.......simply not the done thing.

    Ironic thing is the gays aren't bothered either.....obviously a goverment thing...perhaps before there current term ends, they'll have it on the school curriculum...the sooner we bin these liberals, the better for humanity...

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Yeah..I'll vote for being Banker...note capital B and not W as a couple of our friends wld have me down for

    I'm with Arthur on this...nothing against it..some of my best friends are that way inclined.

    They are able to have a civil ceremony in a church...but going through God's act of getting married in a church is going too far.

    Would be like a black guy gatecrashing a KKK convention.......simply not the done thing.

    Ironic thing is the gays aren't bothered either.....obviously a goverment thing...perhaps before there current term ends, they'll have it on the school curriculum...the sooner we bin these liberals, the better for humanity...
    Understand both you and Arthurs view. It's just that if you want to have a go at Millipede there's alot better places to go than the Coalition for Marriage.
    Don't start me on the school thing either.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Understand both you and Arthurs view. It's just that if you want to have a go at Millipede there's alot better places to go than the Coalition for Marriage.
    Don't start me on the school thing either.
    Absolutely fact the more Miliband types the Labour elect the better

    I only picked this subject Marco because basically there was nothing else what caught my eye yesterday in our trusty Mail.

    Good Luck for next week I hope your wife settles in quickly...really there is no easy time to arrive here wife arrived December 6....just in time for Christmas

    The most wonderful time of the year..especially with child..which I believe you have Marco.

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