Thanks Terpe, so you are pretty certain that the ECO can not phone up to check what my bank balance is when he checks the application? ie he checks the application tomorrow, he cant call my bank up and say "please tell me the current balance today?"I worked for the Civil Service from 2003 until 2010
Both HMRC and UKBA.
I can only guess current protocols as I'm clearly out of date and most of my peers have left the dept.
But I do know how to research and how to understand the government gobblydegook.
Besides which the legal aspects very rarely change.
The questions you raise are all good and will certainly be helpful to our fellow forumers
But If I'm honest for you, better you would have asked them before making your application
Yes these questions I just never thought of before the application, like there was a Million things to think of and that was just one of them that didn't come to mind at the time. I wish it had :( but its useful information to others too though and for me now as now.