Hi everyone, Finally got delivery of results & we've been refused. We meet the criteria & provided more than ample evidence but ECO has ignored or isn't aware of the rules.
Says we dont meet accommodation requirements. We do by a mile, we submitted documents to prove it,
Says my sons Income Support is not enough & his DLA cant be used to support spouse as its "means tested." DLA is NOT means tested & case law states it CAN be used to maintain spouse, so maintenance requirements are met.
Says those offering third party support, which we got as back-up, have no obligation to support & there's no evidence they are supporting us now!...We made it clear that third party financial support is there "IF necessary" for my son & his wife & daughter, not something we rely on as a matter of course!
Says there's no evidence of a subsisting relationship apart from "messages on a social networking site& such contact is in itself merely substantive" & he's not satisfied of her intentions & doesnt think she genuinely intends to live with him & pursue a relationship as his wife!
Submiitted reams of chat logs & txt records & reams of photos of them together & their wedding so this is yet more nonsense that has left this young couple deeply upset.
He also made two comments suggesting that my son went out there purely to meet & marry her. Not true!
Sorry, I'm so angry I'm spitting nails! This guy has acted contrary to ukba's own rules, law precedent on DLA & maintaining spouse & is insulting everyone's integrity to boot!