I'm not disputing that we now have a wider choice and year-round availability of certain foods...but there is no excuse (other than profit) for importing goods that we're perfectly capable of producing year-round HERE, and dairy products is one of them.
I'm not talking about current (inaccurate anyway) unemployment figures, but what may lay further ahead.
The point is (as Andy has pointed out) that we are gradually, little by little having control of our own affairs and destiny taken away from us by foreign companies who have no loyalty to their British workforce or even to this market.
They thought they were doing great in India with all those new marvellous callcentres, but look what is happening to them now...they're no longer flavour of the month and they are powerless to do anything about it because THEY don't control them, outside powers do.
It is just shameful, humiliating and stupid that an advanced and capable nation such as we are has been allowed to sink so low, both in the education of our youngsters and in the productivity of our industries...those that we have left.
All this guff about the 'global economy', well let's take OUR share back !
I'm sorry, but most of my working life if I didn't go out and 'produce' something...on commission-only pay I might add, then I had no money...simple as.